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Opening the Console

Commands are run on the console. To open it, press ` (the key above TAB).\ Note that this key generally only exists in this form on English keybords (ANSI US, ISO UK, ...).

If you for example have a German keyboard you'll notice that this key is located left of BACKSPACE but won't open the console when you press it.

To open your console you'll either have to switch to the English (US) layout before starting the game or rebinding the key to open console.

Rebinding the console


The console can only be bound to "`" or one of the function keys "F1" - "F12"

To rebind it open Titanfall and navigate to Controls > Settings > Key Binds and change the "Toggle Developer Console" bind.

If the "Toggle Developer Console" field is missing you can either disable all mods that don't start with Northstar. or rebind it manually.

To rebind it manually make sure neither Titanfall nor Northstar are running, then go to My Documents\Respawn\Titanfall2\local\ and open settings.cfg.\ Look for the line containing toggleconsole, i.e.

bind "`" "toggleconsole"

and replace the ` key with your prefered key to open console. So if you want to open console with F5, change the line to

bind "F5" "toggleconsole"

List of commands

Northstar Commands

Command Description Value
ns_masterserver_hostname Masterserver URL by default
ns_auth_allow_insecure Allows clients to connect without masterserver authorization 0 / 1
connect Directly connect to a Northstar gameserver <ip address>:<port> ex: localhost:37015
reload_mods Reload mods
ns_disallowed_tacticals String list of disallowed tactical abilities example: "mp_ability_grapple,mp_ability_heal"
ns_disallowed_tactical_replacement Name of optional replacement ability for disallowed tacticals ex: "mp_ability_grapple"
give mp_weapon_peacekraber Gives you peacekraber
r_latencyflex Enables LatencyFleX (Linux-only, enabled by default) 0 / 1
rui_drawEnable Enables or disables the HUD 0 / 1
r_drawviewmodel Enables or disables viewing of the player's hands and weapons 0 / 1

Useful dev commands

Requires sv_cheats 1

Command Result
thirdperson Third person mode
script DevSpawnTitan() Spawns you a Titan
script SetGameEndTime(1200.0) Sets remaining match time to 1200 seconds
ent_create npc_soldier Spawns a grunt at your crosshair
ent_create npc_stalker Spawns a stalker at your crosshair
ent_create npc_spectre Spawns a spectre at your crosshair
ent_create npc_titan Spawns a titan at your crosshair (Warning as of v1.4.0, this crashes your game if you don't have your own titan)
ent_create npc_marvin Spawns a Marvin at your crosshair
ent_fire !picker setteam 2 Sets entity at crosshair to team 2

Server commands

Variable Description Default
sv_cheats Whether players can use cheat commands (i.e. noclip) . 0
sv_AllWaysSupportsSaveRestore 0
sv_allTicksFinal 0
sv_allowSendTableTransmitToClients 1
sv_alltalk Whether both teams can talk to each other over voice chat. 0
sv_balanceTeams Whether the server will attempt to keep teams balanced between rounds. 1
sv_bounds_show_errors 0
sv_clampPlayerFrameTime 0
sv_clockcorrection 1
sv_clockcorrection_msecs 75
sv_compressPlaylists 1
sv_connectingClientDelay 3
sv_debug_deferred_trace 0
sv_debug_deferred_trace_overlay 0
sv_debug_prop_send 0
sv_debugmanualmode 0
sv_disconnectOnTooManySnapshotFrames 1
sv_dumpstringtables 0
sv_earlyPersistenceRead 0
sv_edgefriction 2
sv_everyThirdTick 0
sv_extra_client_connect_time 60
sv_gravity The amount of gravity the server has. 750
sv_hibernate_ms 5
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui 5
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 5
sv_hibernate_when_empty Whether the server should hibernate when empty. 0
sv_instancebaselines 1
sv_kickPlayersTooFarInFuture Whether to kick players whose internal time is too far in the future. 1
sv_lerpAnims 1
sv_lobbyType 1
sv_massreport 0
sv_maxUserCmdsPerPlayerPerFrame 10
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_lobby 100000
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_multiplayer 125000
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_singleplayer 300000
sv_max_props_lobby 50000
sv_max_props_multiplayer 75000
sv_max_props_singleplayer 200000
sv_max_snapshots_lobby 100
sv_max_snapshots_multiplayer 300
sv_max_snapshots_singleplayer 10
sv_maxclientframes 300
sv_maxrate 0
sv_maxroutable 1200
sv_maxupdaterate 60
sv_minrate 128000
sv_minupdaterate 20
sv_noclipaccelerate The amount of acceleration in noclip. 10000
sv_noclipduringpause Whether to noclip during server pause. 0
sv_noclipspeed The speed for noclip. 5
sv_normalSimulationCommandThreshold 3
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 1
sv_partyDediOnly 0
sv_pausable 0
sv_physics_maxvelocity 4000.0
sv_playerNameAppendCheater 1
sv_playerSimTimeBuffer 0
sv_printClockCorrections 0
sv_printClockTiming 0
sv_props_funnel_into_portals 1
sv_props_funnel_into_portals_deceleration 2.0f
sv_querylimit_per_sec 10
sv_quota_stringcmdspersecond 60
sv_rcon_banpenalty 0
sv_rcon_log Whether to log RCON commands. 1
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
sv_regeneration_wait_time 20.0
sv_rejectClientConnects 0
sv_rejectConnections 0
sv_robust_explosions 1
sv_scarySnapDeltaPrints 50
sv_screenShake_enabled 1
sv_script_think_interval 0.1
sv_sendPlaylists 1
sv_separate_freq_change_prop_send 1
sv_shiftPlayerSimTimeBackwards 1
sv_showClientTickCmds 0
sv_showLargeSnapshotSize 10000
sv_showLargeSnapshots 0
sv_showUserCmds 0
sv_show_placement_help_in_preview 0
sv_showents 0
sv_showfiredbullets 0
sv_showhitboxes -1
sv_showlagcompensation 0
sv_shutdown Shuts down the server.
sv_single_core_dedi 0
sv_specaccelerate 1000.0
sv_specnoclip 1
sv_specspeed 5
sv_stats 1
sv_stressbots 1
sv_strugglecheck 1.016
sv_teststepsimulation 0
sv_thinktimecheck 0
sv_threaded_post_process_ai 1
sv_threaded_post_process_players 1
sv_turbophysics 1
sv_turbophysics_player 1
sv_unnecessaryConnectDelay 60
sv_updaterate_mp 20
sv_updaterate_sp 20
sv_useReputation 1
sv_use_edgefriction 1
sv_usercmd_before_entities 1
sv_usercmd_fairness_dediOnly 0
sv_usercmd_max_queued 40
sv_usercmd_num_per_iteration 1
sv_usercmd_shuffle_players 1
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1
sv_visualizetraces 0
sv_visualizetraces_duration 0.5
sv_voiceDebug 0
sv_voiceEcho 0
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_warnAboutCmdNumJumps 20
sv_weapon_despawn_time 90