Convars are located inside the R2Northstar\mods\Northstar.CustomServers\mod\cfg\autoexec_ns_server.cfg
They allow the server admin to set server's properties like the name, port, and description.
Name | Description | Default Value | Accepted Values |
ns_server_name |
Your server's name on the server browser | "Unnamed Northstar Server" |
string |
ns_server_desc |
Your server's description on the server browser | "Default server description" |
string |
ns_server_password |
The password required to join your server, can be bypassed if clients directly connect and you are using insecure auth | "" |
string |
ns_report_server_to_masterserver |
Whether your server should report itself to the masterserver, for use in auth and the serverbrowser | 1 |
0-1 |
ns_report_sp_server_to_masterserver |
Whether your server should report itself to the masterserver if started on a singleplayer map, for use in auth and the serverbrowser | 0 |
0-1 |
ns_auth_allow_insecure |
Allows clients to join your server without authenticating with the masterserver, currently required to allow clients to connect directly to your IP, rather than through the server browser | 0 |
0-1 |
ns_erase_auth_info |
Whether your server should erase authentication information after it is used, this is useful for development but should normally be kept at 1 | 1 |
0-1 |
ns_player_auth_port |
Northstar v1.12 and older only. The port used for the server's local authentication server, this is the TCP port we forwarded earlier | 8081 |
1-65535 |
everything_unlocked |
Whether all items, weapons, etc should be unlocked on the server | 1 |
0-1 |
ns_should_return_to_lobby |
Whether the server should return to private match lobby after completing a game, if 0, this will go to the next map/mode in the playlist | 1 |
0-1 |
ns_private_match_only_host_can_change_settings |
If 0 Players can change all match settings. If 1 Players can only change map and gamemode. If 2 Players can change nothing | 0 |
0-2 |
ns_private_match_countdown_length |
Length is seconds before the match is started after the start button in the lobby | 15 |
int |
ns_private_match_only_host_can_start |
If 1 only the host can press the start match button, if 0 anyone can press the start match button | 0 |
0-1 |
ns_private_match_last_mode |
Forces the lobby to a specific Gamemode | tdm |
Any Gamemode |
ns_private_match_last_map |
Forces the lobby to a specific map | mp_forwardbase_kodai |
Any Map |
ns_disallowed_weapons |
Blacklists weapons | List of Weapons separated by a comma | |
ns_allow_kill_commands |
Enables the use of kill in the console |
0 |
0-1 |
ns_disallowed_weapon_primary_replacement |
Replaces blacklisted weapons by one weapon | a Weapon | |
ns_should_log_unknown_clientcommands |
Whether unknown clientcommands should be printed in the console, worth disabling if they get on your nerves | 1 |
0-1 |
net_chan_limit_mode |
If 0, don't limit the netchannel processing time individual clients are allowed. If 1, kick clients that go over the limit. If 2, log clients that go over the limit in console | 2 |
0-2 |
net_chan_limit_msec_per_sec |
The number of milliseconds of server netchan processing time clients can use per second before triggering the response set in net_chan_limit_mode | 30 |
int |
base_tickinterval_mp |
The delay between each tick ran on the server, your tickrate will be 1 divided by this value | 0.016666667 |
float |
sv_updaterate_mp |
The maximum number of times per second your server will send information to connected players, if a player's cl_updaterate_mp value is lower than this, their rate will be limited to it | 20 |
int |
sv_max_snapshots_multiplayer |
The number of snapshots stored locally for use in replays, this should be set to sv_updaterate_mp * 15 | 300 |
int |
host_skip_client_dll_crc |
Whether the server should allow clients with modified client.dll files to connect, these are used for visor colour edit mods | 1 |
0-1 |
dedi_sendPrintsToClient |
Whether the dedicated server should forward all logs to connected clients, which is useful for testing/debugging on a dedicated server. If -1 , send no prints to clients. If 0 , send prints to the first client connected only. If 1 , send prints to all clients |
-1 |
-1-1 |
mileslog_enable |
Whether to log Miles audio system prints. | 0 |
0-1 |
You can set the Convar ns_should_log_all_clientcommands
to 1
to log all client commands. This includes both benign things like the command a client sends to server to respawn after death but also nefarious, like a malicious client calling emit
, a command that before being patched out allowed clients to spam voice lines to other clients.
Due to the increased verbosity ns_should_log_all_clientcommands
is set to 0
(disabled) by default but should be enabled in cases where you want to investigate suspicious activity on your server.