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Code CallbacksΒΆ


Not all of these are fully implemented, either check the asset dump or try it out.

void CodeCallback_PlayerDecoyDie( entity, int )

void CodeCallback_PlayerDecoyDissolve( entity, int )

void CodeCallback_PlayerDecoyRemove( entity, int )

void CodeCallback_PlayerDecoyStateChange( entity, int, int )

void CodeCallback_ScriptedDialogue( entity guy, int dialogueID )

void CodeCallback_LeechStart( entity player, entity target )

var CodeCallback_ClientCommand( entity player, array< string > args )

void CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )

void CodeCallback_DamageEntity( entity ent, var damageInfo )

void CodeCallback_OnEntityDestroyed( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_PreSpawn( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_OnSpawned( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerKilled( entity player, var damageInfo )

void CodeCallback_OnNPCKilled( entity npc, var damageInfo )

void CodeCallback_OnEntityKilled( entity npc, var damageInfo )

void CodeCallback_OnEntityChangedTeam( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_NPCMeleeChargedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )

int CodeCallback_GetWeaponDamageSourceId( entity weapon )

void CodeCallback_WeaponFireInCloak( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnServerAnimEvent( entity ent, string name )

void CodeCallback_OnNPCLookAtHint( entity npc, entity hint )

bool CodeCallback_OnTouchHealthKit( entity player, entity ent )

void CodeCallback_OnInventoryChanged( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnMeleeKilled( entity target )

void CodeCallback_StartRodeo( entity player, entity rodeoTarget)

void CodeCallback_ForceEndRodeo( entity player )

void CodeCallback_EmbarkTitan( entity player, entity titan)

bool CodeCallback_EmbarkTitanFromGrapple( entity player, entity titan )

void CodeCallback_OnWeaponAttack( entity player, entity weapon, string weaponName, int ammoUsed )


This code callback does not work

void CodeCallback_OnPrecache()

void CodeCallback_OnVehiclePass( table params )

bool CodeCallback_ForceAIMissPlayer( entity npc, entity player )

void CodeCallback_GamerulesThink()

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionStarted( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionCompleted( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnClientDisconnected( entity player, string reason )

void CodeCallback_PlayerHasBeenConnectedForDuration( entity player, float durationInSeconds )

void CodeCallback_OnClientSendingPersistenceToNewServer( entity player )

void CodeCallback_MatchIsOver()

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerMatchmakingChanged( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerJump( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerDoubleJump( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerDodge( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerLeaveGround( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerTouchGround( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerMantle( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerBeginWallrun( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerEndWallrun( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerBeginWallhang( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerEndWallhang( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerInputCommandChanged( entity player, int cmdsHeld, int cmdsPressed, int cmdsReleased )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerInputAxisChanged( entity player, float horizAxis, float vertAxis )

void CodeCallback_OnPlayerGrappled( entity attacker, entity victimPlayer )

void CodeCallback_OnProjectileGrappled( entity attacker, entity projectile )

void CodeCallback_OnLoadSaveGame()

void CodeCallback_OnClientReloadConnectionCompleted( entity player )

bool CodeCallback_OnSavedSaveGame()

bool CodeCallback_IsSaveGameSafeToCommit()

void CodeCallback_OnTetherRemove( entity player, int tetherID )

void CodeCallback_OnTetherDamageMilestone( entity player, int tetherID, int damageMileStoneIndex, float health )

void CodeCallback_ClaimClientSidePickup_MatchCandy( entity player, int amount, int flags, int recieptID )

void CodeCallback_WeaponDropped( entity weapon )

void CodeCallback_OnWeaponReload( entity weapon )

void CodeCallback_GivePersistentItem( entity player, string itemName, int count )

void CodeCallback_OnWeaponTouch( entity player, entity weapon, int ammoRecieved )

bool CodeCallback_CanUseEntity( entity player, entity ent )

bool CodeCallback_OnUseEntity( entity player, entity ent )

void CodeCallback_OnUsePressed( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnUseReleased( entity player )

bool CodeCallback_IsLeechable( entity player, entity target )

void CodeCallback_Ping( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnMeleePressed( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnMeleeReleased( entity player )

void CodeCallback_OnMeleeAttackAnimEvent( entity player )

void CodeCallback_AnimationDone( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_AnimationInterrupted( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_PlayerClassChanged( entity ent )

bool CodeCallback_CanUseZipline(entity player, entity zipline, vector ziplineClosestPoint )

void CodeCallback_ZiplineMount( entity player, entity zipline )

void CodeCallback_ZiplineStart( entity player, entity zipline )

void CodeCallback_ZiplineMove( entity player, entity zipline )

void CodeCallback_ZiplineStop( entity player )

bool CodeCallback_IsValidRodeoTarget( entity player, entity rodeoTarget )

var CodeCallback_OnRodeoAttach( entity rider, entity rodeoTarget )

void CodeCallback_TitanRiderEntVarChanged( entity soul, int rodeoSlotIndex, entity oldRider, entity newRider )

bool CodeCallback_OnVortexHitBullet( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, var damageInfo )

bool CodeCallback_OnVortexHitProjectile( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, entity projectile, vector contactPos )

void CodeCallback_OnTurretCancelPressed( entity player )

void CodeCallback_ForceScriptError( entity ent, string errorMsg )

void CodeCallback_EnterPhaseShift( entity ent )

void CodeCallback_ExitPhaseShift( entity ent )

string CodeCallback_CheckPassThroughAddsMods( entity player, entity hitEnt, string currWeaponName )

bool CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeExecutionTarget( entity attacker, entity target )

bool CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeAttackTarget( entity attacker, entity target )

void CodeCallback_OnGrapple( entity attacker, entity target, vector hitpos, vector hitNormal )