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When adding new Sqirrel script source files that are from the base game, make sure to commit the unmodified file first. In particular, on main they should committed as Respawn with the email address

git -c"Respawn" -c"<>" commit -m "Add SQUIRREL_FILE.nut from VPK_NAME"

This process is done to later leverage the power of git blame to see who authored a particular code line which assists with better understanding changes in the codebase.

Before adding that vanilla make sure that the corresponding PR is up-to-date. Adding the vanilla file will cause a merge conflict on the PR, that is expected.

In case you forgot to update the PR first, you can also merge the commit before that into the PR branch manually by using git merge <commit hash>.

Afterwards, update the PR branch by ignoring the commit from main by checking out the PR branch and merging with

git merge --strategy=ours main

This will merge main into the PR branch and always prefer the changes from the PR branch in case of conflict.