Name in the files¶
Playlist | Title |
private_match | Private Match |
aitdm | Attrition |
at | Bounty Hunt |
coliseum | Coliseum |
cp | Amped Hardpoint |
ctf | Capture the Flag |
Frontier Defense (Easy) | |
Frontier Defense (Hard) | |
Frontier Defense (Insane) | |
Frontier Defense (Master) | |
Frontier Defense (Regular) | |
fw | Frontier War |
lts | Last Titan Standing |
mfd | Marked For Death |
ps | Pilots vs. Pilots |
solo | Campaign |
tdm | Skirmish |
ttdm | Titan Brawl |
Note an exception to the rule of playlist and gamemode names being the same. With Live Fire, startup arguments need to be different for +setplaylist
and +mp_gamemode
for a server to run Live Fire.
Playlist | Gamemode | Title |
lf | speedball | Live Fire |
Vanilla (Featured)¶
Playlist | Title |
alts | Aegis Last Titan Standing |
attdm | Aegis Titan Brawl |
ffa | Free For All |
fra | Free Agents |
holopilot_lf | The Great Bamboozle |
rocket_lf | Rocket Arena |
turbo_lts | Turbo Last Titan Standing |
turbo_ttdm | Turbo Titan Brawl |
Playlist | Title |
chamber | One in the Chamber |
ctf_comp | Competitive CTF |
fastball | Fastball |
gg | Gun Game |
hidden | The Hidden |
hs | Hide and Seek |
inf | Infection |
kr | Amped Killrace |
sns | Sticks and Stones |
tffa | Titan FFA |
tt | Titan Tag |
Playlist | Title |
sp_coop | Singleplayer Coop |
Weapon Code | Weapon name |
mp_weapon_car | CAR |
mp_weapon_alternator_smg | Alternator |
mp_weapon_hemlok_smg | Volt |
mp_weapon_r97 | R-97 |
mp_weapon_hemlok | Hemlock rifle |
mp_weapon_vinson | Flatline |
mp_weapon_g2 | G2 |
mp_weapon_rspn101 | R-201 |
mp_weapon_rspn101_og | R-101 |
mp_weapon_esaw | Devotion |
mp_weapon_lstar | L-STAR |
mp_weapon_lmg | Spitfire |
mp_weapon_shotgun | EVA-8 Auto |
mp_weapon_mastiff | Mastiff |
mp_weapon_dmr | DMR |
mp_weapon_sniper | Kraber |
mp_weapon_doubletake | Double Take |
mp_weapon_pulse_lmg | Cold War |
mp_weapon_smr | Sidewinder SMR |
mp_weapon_softball | Softball |
mp_weapon_epg | EPG-1 |
mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol | Mozambique |
mp_weapon_wingman_n | Wingman Elite |
mp_weapon_autopistol | RE-45 Auto |
mp_weapon_semipistol | P2016 |
mp_weapon_wingman | Wingman |
mp_weapon_mgl | MGL |
mp_weapon_arc_launcher | Thunderbolt |
mp_weapon_rocket_launcher | Archer |
mp_weapon_defender | Charge Rifle |
Maps can be set on autorotation using ns_should_return_to_lobby 0
First map of autorotation can be set using ns_private_match_last_map
A way to blacklist maps with autorotation does not exist.
Vanilla (mp)¶
Map | Title |
mp_angel_city | Angel City |
mp_black_water_canal | Black Water Canal |
mp_box | Box |
mp_coliseum | Coliseum |
mp_coliseum_column | Pillars |
mp_colony02 | Colony |
mp_complex3 | Complex |
mp_crashsite3 | Crash Site |
mp_drydock | Drydock |
mp_eden | Eden |
mp_forwardbase_kodai | Forwardbase Kodai |
mp_glitch | Glitch |
mp_grave | Boomtown |
mp_homestead | Homestead |
mp_lf_deck | Deck |
mp_lf_meadow | Meadow |
mp_lf_stacks | Stacks |
mp_lf_township | Township |
mp_lf_traffic | Traffic |
mp_lf_uma | UMA |
mp_lobby | Lobby |
mp_relic02 | Relic |
mp_rise | Rise |
mp_thaw | Exoplanet |
mp_wargames | War Games |
Vanilla (sp)¶
Map | Title |
sp_training | The Pilot's Gauntlet |
sp_crashsite | BT-7274 |
sp_sewers1 | Blood and Rust |
sp_boomtown_start | Into the Abyss - Part 1 |
sp_boomtown | Into the Abyss - Part 2 |
sp_boomtown_end | Into the Abyss - Part 2 |
sp_hub_timeshift | Effect and Cause - Part 1 or 3 |
sp_timeshift_spoke02 | Effect and Cause - Part 2 |
sp_beacon | The Beacon - Part 1 or 3 |
sp_beacon_spoke0 | The Beacon - Part 2 |
sp_tday | Trial by Fire |
sp_s2s | The Ark |
sp_skyway_v1 | The Fold Weapon |