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Threads, Signals and Flags


Squirrel allows scripts to spin off function calls in a thread. All subsequential function calls will be threaded as well.

In threaded functions, it's possible to halt a threaded function with wait statements, signals, flags and by suspending a thread object.

You can use the IsNewThread() function to determine if the current function is threaded off.

For more information, check out the squirrel documentation on threads and sq functions of threads. squirrel_re is very similar to vanilla squirrel in this regard.

A thread is considered finished, after the threaded function returned a value. This may be null.

Spinning off a thread

To create a new coroutine, call a function with the thread keyword before.

    thread void function(){}()
    thread MyFunction()

To get a thread object, use the newthread function.

    void function CoroutineExample()
        suspend( "passback" ) // passback is optional
        print( "threaded statement" )

    var co = newthread( CoroutineExample )
    var suspendedReturn = // you NEED to use .call, invoking the function with () won't work
    co.wakeup() // continue thread


The wait statement halts threads for a set amount of time specified after the wait keyword. Integers and floats are accepted as times in seconds.

    void function WaitExample( float n )
        wait 1 // wait 1 second
        wait n // wait n seconds

    thread WaitExample( 0.5 ) // thread will halt for a total 1.5 seconds

To wait a single frame, don't use wait 0 since it doesn't actually wait a game frame. For example, if you have a client loop that does wait 0 even if the game is paused the loop will still run. Use WaitFrame() instead.

When using infinite loops it's important to work with wait statements to avoid the game freezing.

If you want to wait until a thread is finished, you can spin off the thread that you wait for with the waitthread keyword.

    void function ParentThread()
        printt( "pre spinoff " + string( Time() ) )
        waitthread void function()
            printt( "mid spinoff " + string( Time() ) )
            wait 1
        printt( "post spinoff" + string( Time() ) )


Use the OnThreadEnd function to execute a callback after a thread has ended. This is useful for cleanup functions that remove entities after they're used or similar.

    void function PlayIncomingFX( vector origin, int teamNum )
        wait 1.50
        EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, origin, "Titan_1P_Warpfall_Start" )

        local colorVec = Vector( 0, 255, 0 )
        entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
        SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "pickup_controlpoint" ) )
        DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
        cpoint.SetOrigin( colorVec )
        entity glowFX = PlayFXWithControlPoint( INCOMING_SPAWN_FX, origin, cpoint, -1, null, null, C_PLAYFX_LOOP )

            function() : ( glowFX, cpoint )
                if ( IsValid( glowFX ) )
                if ( IsValid( cpoint ) )

        wait 1.25

Example Script

    void function SetPositionDelayed( entity ent, vector pos, float delay )
        wait delay
        ent.SetOrigin( pos )

    SetPositionDelayed( player, <0, 0, 100>, 5.0 )
    SetPositionDelayed( player, <0, 0, 50>, 2.5 ) // this will finish sooner.

Signals and flags

Signals and flags allow threads to wait for events before running some code.


void RegisterSignal( string signal )

Registers a Signals to use on any entity. It's required to register signals before using them.



void Signal( string signal, table results = null )

Trigger a signal on this entity. The passed results will be returned by WaitSignal.

void EndSignal( string signal )

Ends this thread when the identifier is signaled on this entity

table WaitSignal( string signal )

Halts this thread until a signal is activated for this entity

void ConnectOutput( string signal, void functionref( entity trigger, entity activator, entity caller, var value ) callback )

Register a callback that executes when the signal has been fired on this Entity

void DisconnectOutput( string event, void functionref( entity trigger, entity activator, entity caller, var value ) callback )

Disconnects the callback from the signal.

void AddOutput( string outputName, string | entity target, string inputName, string parameter = "", float delay = 0, float maxFires = 0 )

Connects an output on this entity to an input on another entity via code. The target can be a name or a named entity.

void Fire( string signal, string param = "", float delay = 0, entity activator = null, entity caller = null )

Fire a signal on this entity, with optional parm and delay

void FireNow( string output, string param = "", float delay = 0, entity activator = null, entity caller = null )

Fire a signal on this entity, with optional parm and delay (synchronous)

It's also possible to trigger and catch signals with methods that aren't properties of an entity.

void Signal( var obj, string signal, table results = null )

Trigger a signal on ent. The passed results will be returned by WaitSignal.

table WaitSignal( entity ent, ... )

Wait for any of the passed signals to be triggered.

    // Wait for the NPC to die, delete, or get leeched, then remove the npc from the array
    WaitSignal( ent, "OnDeath", "OnDestroy", "OnLeeched" )

void EndSignal( var obj, string signal )

Ends this thread when the identifier is signaled on ent


For example, if we want to tell a player not to give up after being killed several times, we can write it this way:

    // First, we register signal we want to use

    void function WatchForDeaths (entity player)
        int deathsCount = 0

        while( GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() )
            if ( player.isDead() )  // This doesn't exist, don't try this at home
                deathsCount += 1

                if (deathsCount >= 42)
                    // This sends "OnMultipleDeaths" signal on player entity
                    player.Signal( "OnMultipleDeaths" )

    void function DontGiveUp (entity player)
        // This is a blocking call

        // This will not run until entity received "OnMultipleDeaths" signal
        SendHudMessage( player, "Don't give up!", -1, 0.4, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0.15 )

    // Launch our methods in dedicated threads
    entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
    thread WatchForDeaths( player )
    thread DontGiveUp( player )

In this example, the DontGiveUp method is launched at the same time as WatchForDeaths; but it will not run until player died 42 times.

When you want your thread to die on a given event, you can use entity.EndSignal( "OnMultipleDeaths" ); when said signal is set, thread will end (after calling any OnThreadEnd methods).


Flags work pretty much the same way as Signals, except they can be set up without target entity:

void FlagInit( string flag, bool isSet = false )

Create a flag

void FlagWait( string flag )

Halts a thread until a flag is set. Callee must be threaded off.

void FlagWaitAll( ... )

Halts until every passed flag is set. Callee must be threaded off.

void FlagWaitWithTimeout( string flag, float timeOut )

Halts until the passed flag is set or the timer runs out. Callee must be threaded off.

void FlagSet( string flag )

Raise a flag

void FlagSetOnFlag( string flagset, string flagwait, float delay = 0 )

Set flagset after flagwait is set and the delay is met.

void FlagClear( string flag )

Reset a flag

void FlagWaitClearAll( ... )

Resets all passed flags.

void FlagClearOnFlag( string flagclear, string flagwait )

Reset flagclear when flagwait is set.

void FlagWaitClearWithTimeout( string flag, float timeOut )

Resets a flag after the timer runs out.

void FlagWaitClearAny( ... )

Wait until any passed flag is cleared.

void FlagClearEnd( string flag )

void FlagToggle( string flag )

Raise a flag if it is reset, or reset it if it's raised.

void FlagEnd( string flag )

Ends this thread when the flag is set

bool Flag( string flag )

Returns the current state of a flag.

bool FlagExists( string flag )

Returns true if the flag is initialized

array GetFlagsFromString( string str )

Splits the flag on " "

array GetFlagsFromField( entity ent, var field )

Splits the value of the keyvalues of the entity on the index field on " "


    void function FlagExample()
        FlagInit( "BombHasExploded" )

        thread BombTicker()

        FlagWait( "BombHasExploded" )
        print( "bomb just exploded" )

    void function BombTicker()
        Assert( IsNewThread(), "BombTicker must be threaded off" )
        wait RandomFloatRange( 3, 9 )
        FlagSet( "BombHasExploded" )