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Map Files


1. Bare Minimum - No Assets


        "version": 7
    ├── RePak.exe
    ├── example1.json
    └── build
        └─ example1.rpak


This example map file is honestly pretty useless. It has no assets, because there is no files field.

It also will have the name new.rpak and will be created in the ./build folder.

2. Single Texture + Single Starpak


        "name": "example2",
        "assetsDir": "../depot",
        "outputDir": "../output",
        "version": 7,
        "starpakPath": "example2.starpak",
                "$type": "txtr",
                "path": "textures/models/my_texture"
    ├── RePak.exe
    ├── maps
    |   └─ example2.json
    ├── depot
    |   └─ textures
    |       └─ models
    |           └─
    └── output
        ├─ example2.starpak
        └─ example2.rpak


This example map file creates an RPak named example2.rpak which contains 1 texture asset. This texture will have it's higher resolution mip levels stored in example2.starpak


The texture will replace any vanilla textures that have the same path. ( textures/models/my_texture )

This is useful for creating basic skins and camos.

3. Multiple Textures + Multiple Starpaks


        "name": "example3",
        "assetsDir": "../depot",
        "outputDir": "../output",
        "version": 7,
        "starpakPath": "example3.starpak",
                "$type": "txtr",
                "path": "textures/models/my_texture_col"
                "$type": "txtr",
                "path": "textures/models/my_texture_nml"
                "$type": "txtr",
                "starpakPath": "example3-spc.starpak",
                "path": "textures/models/my_texture_spc"
    ├── RePak.exe
    ├── maps
    |   └─ example3.json
    ├── depot
    |   └─ textures
    |       └─ models
    |           ├─
    |           ├─
    |           └─
    └── output
        ├─ example3.starpak
        ├─ example3-spc.starpak
        └─ example3.rpak


This example map file creates an RPak named example3.rpak which contains 3 texture assets. These textures each have their higher resolution mip levels stored in starpaks.

my_texture_col and mp_texture_nml use example3.starpak, as they do not specify their own starpakPath. This makes them use the default starpakPath that is defined at the file scope, instead of in the individual textures.

my_texture_spc uses example3-spc.starpak, as it specifies it's own starpakPath.


This RPak is a good example of a skin that would normally require the skin tool to install. The advantage of this method is that the skin can be uninstalled or temporarily disabled when packed as a mod.



The name field of a map file determines the name of the resulting RPak.

The name is appended with .rpak and defaults to new if no name is provided. This results in a default RPak called new.rpak.


In the event that no name is provided in the map file, RePak will output the following warning to the console:

Map file should have a 'name' field containing the string name for the new rpak, but none was provided. Defaulting to 'new.rpak' and continuing...\n


The assetsDir field of a map file determines the root path which the program combines with the path for assets in order to find the correct file. This path may be a relative path, or an absolute path.

The assetsDir provided in the map file is appended with a slash ( \ ) if necessary


If no assetsDir is provided, it defaults to the working directory ( .\ ) as well as outputting the following warning to the console:

No assetsDir field provided. Assuming that everything is relative to the working directory.\n


The outputDir field of a map file determines the folder that the program will write the RPak and StaRPak files to once they have been created. This path may be a relative path, or an absolute path.

The outputDir provided in the map file is appended with a slash ( \ ) if necessary

If no outputDir is provided in the map file, RePak defaults to .\build\


The version field of a map file determines the RPak version that RePak will create.


If no version field is provided, RePak will output the following error and the program will stop:

Map file doesn't specify an RPak version\nUse 'version: 7' for Titanfall 2 or 'version: 8' for Apex\n


If an invalid version field is provided, RePak will output the following error and the program will stop:

Invalid RPak version specified\nUse 'version: 7' for Titanfall 2 or 'version: 8' for Apex\n

List of known version values:

  • 6: Titanfall 2: Tech Test [UNSUPPORTED]
  • 7: Titanfall 2
  • 8: Apex Legends


The starpakPath field of a map file determines the default starpak path for textures (and other streamed assets) to use.


If the starpak name ends in _hotswap.starpak (e.g. my_thing_hotswap.starpak) then Titanfall 2 will view it as optional. This allows the starpak to be moved, removed, or replaced while the game is running and streaming the texture. This can be useful for debugging.


RePak will not throw any errors if no starpakPath field is specified, however the individual textures may throw errors if they do not have a starpakPath specified


The files field of a map file is an array of JSON objects, each one representing an RPak asset.

RePak will not throw any errors if no files field is specified, however the resulting RPak will contain no assets, rendering it useless.