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Stryder is in a sense like the masterserver Northstar uses but for vanilla. It handles player data, matchmaking, servers and more.



Not exclusive to vanilla lobbies. These may be used in northstar as well

Methods for pregame lobbies.

string GetLobbyType()

entity GetPlayerByIndex( number index )


void SendPlayersToPartyScreen( var unk1 )

Sends a group of players off to the party screen, possibly by allocating a server first

void SendAllPlayersBackToPartyScreen()

Stryder API

Methods for communication with the vanilla master server

void SendTrainingGauntletStatsToBackend( entity player, number numRunsBeforeBeatRequiredTime, number numChallengeRuns, number bestTime )

bool IsMatchmakingServer()

bool ShouldSendDevStats()


Some proprietary telemetry system used by respawn.

void CreatePINTelemetryHeader( int versionMajor, int versionMinor, table keyValuePairs )

void AddPINTelemetryEvent( string eventName, table headerKeyValueParis, table bodyKeyValuePairs )

string GetPINPlatformName()

Gets the platform name the way PIN likes it.


void BeginPrivateMatchSearchForPlayer( entity player )

void MatchmakePlayer( entity player )

void AbortMatchSearchesForPlayer( string unk1, entity player )

string GetDatacenterName()

Gets the name of this server's datacenter


void MarkTeamsAsBalanced_On()

void MarkTeamsAsBalanced_Off()