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void SaveGame_Create( string saveName, int saveVersion, int start_point )

Do a save.

void SaveGame_CreateWithCommitDelay( string saveName, int saveVersion, float delay, int trycount )

Do a save.

Will call back bool CodeCallback_SaveGameIsSafeToCommit() to validate if it is ok to commit the save file.

void SaveGame_Commit()

If there is an outstanding save commit, accept it asap.

void SaveGame_Reject()

If there is an outstanding save commit, reject it asap.

void SaveGame_Load( string saveName )

Do a restore.

bool SaveGame_IsValid( string saveName )

Checks if a file is ok to use.

int SaveGame_GetVersion( string saveName )

Return the script version of a save load.

int SaveGame_GetStartPoint( string saveName )

Return the script start point of a save load.

string SaveGame_GetMapName( string saveName )

Return the map name of a save load.

Level Loading

void ChangeLevel( string mapName, LevelTransitionStruct transitionStruct )

Loads a new level. The data in transitionStruct can be read in the next level with GetLevelTransitionStruct().

LevelTransitionStruct ornull GetLevelTransitionStruct()

Reads the transition data set by ChangeLevel() on the previous map. Return null if this is the first map or the previous map didn't supply any data.


void SetTimeshiftOfDay_Night()

void SetTimeshiftOfDay_Day()

void SetTimeshiftArmDeviceSkin( int skinIndex )

BT Loadouts

void SetBTLoadoutUnlocked( int loadout )

void SetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield( int unlockedBits )

int GetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield()

bool IsBTLoadoutUnlocked( int loadout )