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entity PlayerMeleeLungeConeTrace( entity plaer, int callback )

Do a lunge cone trace returning the target closest to center of screen

array PlayerMelee_FindVisibleEntitiesInCone( entity playerTitan )

Returns an array of entities that are inside a cone and visible to the player

table PlayerMelee_AttackTrace( entity player, float range, bool functionref( entity attacker, entity target ) isValidTargetFunc )

Do a trace for potential melee targets in front of player. Returns a table with keys entity and position, which is the hit entity and position

bool PlayerMelee_IsExecutionReachable( entity attacker, entity target, number dist )

bool PlayerMelee_IsServerSideEffects()

void PlayerMelee_StartLagCompensateTarget( entity attacker, entity target )

void PlayerMelee_StartLagCompensateTargetForLunge( entity attacker, entity target )

void PlayerMelee_FinishLagCompensateTarget( entity attacker )