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Networked Data

Networked Variables

void RegisterNetworkedVariable( string name, int SNDC_category, int SNVT_type, var defaultValue = 0, float rangemin = 0, float rangemax = 0 )

Registers a named networked variable.

int GetNetworkedVariableIndex( string name )

Gets the internal index used to reference a scripted network variable. For use with FX_PATTACH_SCRIPT_NETWORK_VAR.

void SetGlobalNetBool( string name, bool value )

void SetGlobalNetInt( string name, int value )

void SetGlobalNetFloat( string name, float value )

void SetGlobalNetFloatOverTime( string name, float value, float time )

void SetGlobalNetTime( string name, float value )

void SetGlobalNetEnt( string name, entity value )

bool GetGlobalNetBool( string name )

int GetGlobalNetInt( string name )

float GetGlobalNetFloat( string name )

float GetGlobalNetTime( string name )

entity GetGlobalNetEnt( string name )

Remote Functions

Remote functions allow the SERVER to call registered script functions on the CLIENT and UI VM.

void Remote_BeginRegisteringFunctions()

Begin registration of remote functions.

void Remote_EndRegisteringFunctions()

Finish registration of remote functions.

void AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( void functionref() callback )


This function is not native. It's defined in Northstar.CustomServers

Registers a callback when Remote functions are being registered.

To register custom remote functions you are required to use this callback because functions can only be registered once.


  void function MyMod_Init()
    AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( MyModRegisterRemoteFunctions )

  void function MyModRegisterRemoteFunctions()
    Remote_RegisterFunction( "ExampleRemoteFunction" )

  void function ExampleRemoteFunction() {}

void Remote_RegisterFunction( string name )

Register a function name to be used in remote calls.

void Remote_CallFunction_Replay( entity player, string functionName, ... )


Allowed extra parameter types are null, bool, int, and float.

Given a player, function name, and optional parameters, call function in client script.

Then call it again if we rewind and play a kill replay. The command will not reach the client at all if called during a span of time the player skips because they were watching a replay.

void Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( entity player, string functionName, ... )


Allowed extra parameter types are null, bool, int, and float.

Given a player, function name, and optional parameters, call function in client script.

Does not get called again in replays.

void Remote_CallFunction_UI( entity player, string functionName, ... )


Allowed extra parameter types are null, bool, int, and float.

Given a player, function name and optional parameters, call function in UI script.


While not being networked themselves, these are used by remote functions.

bool ShouldDoReplayIsForcedByCode()

bool Replay_IsEnabled()