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Collision & Tracing

bool AABBIntersectsAABB( vector a1, vector a2, vector a3, vector b1, vector b2, vector b3, number c1 )

bool OBBIntersectsOBB( vector a1, vector a2, vector a3, vector a4, vector b1, vector b2, vector b3, vector b4, number c1 )

bool TraceLOSMultiple( array startsArray, array endsArray, entity ignoreEntity, int mask, int group )

Do muliple LOS checks, early out if any return true. Runs on multiple threads.

mask: TRACE_MASK_*


TraceResults TraceLine( vector startPos, vector endPos, var ignoreEntOrArrayOfEnts = null, int traceMask = 0, int collisionGroup = 0 )

Does a trace and returns struct of result values.

TraceResults TraceLineHighDetail( vector startPos, vector endPos, var ignoreEntOrArrayOfEnts = null, int traceMask = 0, int collisionGroup = 0 )

Does a high-detail (per poly on static models) trace and returns struct of result values.

TraceResults TraceHull( vector startPos, vector endPos, vector hullMins, vector hullMaxs, var ignoreEntOrArrayOfEnts = null, int traceMask = 0, int collisionGroup = 0 )

Does a hull trace and returns table of result values.

TraceResults TraceLineNoEnts( vector startPos, vector endPos, int traceMask = 0 )

Does a trace and returns table of result values.

float TraceLineSimple( vector startPos, vector endPos, entity ignoreEnt )

Does a trace and returns the distance from startPos to hit.

float TraceHullSimple( vector startPos, vector endPos, vector hullMins, vector hullMaxs, entity ignoreEnt )

Does a trace and returns the distance from startPos to hit.

void DoTraceCoordCheck( bool check )

array TraceGetEntsAlongLine( vector startPos, vector endPos, int traceMask = 0, int collisionGroup = 0 )

Does a trace and returns all ents along a line.

bool CheckPassThroughDir( entity ent, vector dir, vector endPos )

bool IsPointInFrontofLine( vector point, vector startPos, vector endPos )

array FindVisibleEntitiesInCone( vector coneApex, vector coneAxis, float coneHeight, float coneAngleToAxis, array ignoredEntities, int traceMask, int flags, entity antilagPlayer, entity weapon = null )

Returns an array of entities that are inside of a cone and visible to the apex

VortexBulletHit ornull VortexBulletHitCheck( entity attacker, vector startPos, vector endPos )

Check for vortexSphere collisions between two points.