Dialogs are a way for a client to open a text window with up to 4 buttons.
Dialog structs¶
All the data in the struct that can be changed.
var menu
The instance of the menu
string header
The headline of the dialog
string message
The body of text under the headline, it supports newline with \n
DialogMessageRuiData &ruiMessage
Stores relevant RUI data
The colour of the message body, in the format of RGBA
string image
Path to the asset of the image displayed on the left of the text body
string rightImage = $""
Path to the asset of the image displayed on the right of the text body
bool forceChoice = false
bool noChoice = false
bool noChoiceWithNavigateBack = false
bool showSpinner = false
Sets the left image as an animated spinner
bool showPCBackButton = false
Shows an additional button below all other buttons that closes the dialog for the client when pressed, works the same as pressing the esc
float inputDisableTime = 0
How long it takes before the client is able to press a button
The int is the index of the Button
bool darkenBackground = false
Darkens the colour of the dialog window slightly
bool useFullMessageHeight = false
Creates a larger dialog window even if there is no text or buttons to fill that space
Stores the information added by the AddDialogButton
Stores the information added by the AddDialogFooter
string message = ""
vector style1Color = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
vector style2Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
vector style3Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
float style1FontScale = 1.0
float style2FontScale = 1.0
float style3FontScale = 1.0
string label
void functionref() activateFunc
string focusMessage
bool startFocused
string label
void functionref() activateFunc
void OpenDialog( DialogData dialog )
Shows the local player the dialog with the data from the struct.
DialogData dialog
Instance of a DialogData struct
DialogData dialog
dialog.message = "Hello there"
OpenDialog( dialog )
void AddDialogButton( DialogData dialog, string text, void functionref() callback )
Add one button to the given struct
DialogData dialog
Instance of a DialogData struct -
string text
The Text that is shown on the button, supports some assets with%ASSET PATH%
void functionref() callback
Function that is executed when the button is pressed.
void function SendDialogWithButton()
DialogData dialog
dialog.message = "Hello there"
AddDialogButton(dialog, "Button 1 %%$r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/primary_weapon/primary_kraber%%", void function():() {
printt( "pressed button 1" )
OpenDialog( dialog )
void AddDialogFooter( DialogData dialog, string text )
Adds a footer to the dialog struct
DialogData dialog
Instance of a DialogData struct -
string text
The Text that is shown on the button, supports some assets with%ASSET PATH%
bool IsDialogActive( DialogData dialogData )
DialogData dialog
Instance of a DialogData struct -
if the dialog with that struct is currently open, otherwise it returnsfalse
void OpenErrorDialog( string errorDetails )
string errorDetails
User facing information about the error
Code example¶
the folowing code produces this output:
DialogData dialog
dialog.header = "This is the header"
dialog.message = "this is the body, it is green \n \n Hello There \n \n General Kenobi"
dialog.messageColor = [0,200,0,100]
dialog.showSpinner = true
dialog.showPCBackButton = true
AddDialogButton( dialog, "Button 1 %%$r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/primary_weapon/primary_kraber%%", ButtonOnePressed )
OpenDialog( dialog )