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Client Commands

Client commands are how the clients communicate with the server. Mods can define custom Client Commands that people can then use from the console, or that can be called from a clientside script.

void AddClientCommandCallback(string, void functionref(entity, array ))

Registers a function as a callback for a client command. This can only be done once per client command string.

AddClientCommandCallback("commandname", commandcallback)

void CommandCalled(entity player, array<string> args) {
    print("commandname: was called with " + args);

List of Client Commands

Heres a (incomplete) list of client commands that are used in the game.


Please note that this list is very incomplete. If you find any new ones, please PR them into the referenced CSV.

Client Command Arguments Description
PrivateMatchSetMode mode shortname Player changed the mode in private lobby menu
SetCustomMap map name Player changed the map in private lobby menu
PrivateMatchSetPlaylistVarOverride playlistvaroverride, value
RequestPilotLoadout index Player has changed their loadout to index 2
ClearNewStatus pilot_loadout_3
VModEnable number unknown, logged with number 0
vban number unknown, logged with number 0
HoldToRodeo number0 unknown, logged with number 0
ClientStatus number unknown, logged with number 0
AllDialogueFinished unknown