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Mod Settings


ConVars are the easiest way to implement settings for your mod using the Mod Settings API.

Your mod needs to register itself and all ConVars that are a part of your mod that should be accessible in the Mod Settings menu. To do this, simply add a new script to your mod that runs only in the UI VM like this:

  "Path": "ui/ms_example_mod.nut",
  "RunOn": "UI",
  "UICallback": {
    "Before": "ExampleMod_AddModSettings"

Inside of the callback specified here, you can add your settings.



ConVar values will only persist if the ConVar has an ARCHIVE flag. For Clients, use FCVAR_ARCHIVE_PLAYERPROFILE.

All Mod Settings functions have a stackPos paramter. This parameter should only be changed if you're writing custom wrappers for the settings.

void ModSettings_AddModTitle( string modName, int stackPos = 2 )

Adds a new category in the settings for your mod


It's mandatory to register a mod before you can add any settings

void ModSettings_AddModCategory( string categoryName )

Adds a new category to your mod


It's mandatory to register a category for your mod. A mod may have multiple categories

void ModSettings_AddSetting( string conVar, string displayName, string type = "", int stackPos = 2 )

Adds a basic setting to the last declared category.


  • string conVar - the ConVar this setting modifies
  • string displayName - The display string of this setting. This can be a localization token.
  • string type = "" - Optional type of this ConVar. This guards against users inserting invalid values.
  • int stackPos = 2


  • int
  • bool
  • float
  • float2
  • float3 / vector

other types will default to setting a string for the ConVar.

void ModSettings_AddEnumSetting( string conVar, string displayName, array values, int stackPos = 2 )

Adds a setting to the menu that uses an enum. Users can navigate with buttons next to the input between possible values.


  • string conVar - the ConVar this setting modifies
  • string displayName - The display string of this setting. This can be a localization token.
  • array<string> values - all possible values of this enum. The ConVar value will be set to the index of the selected value.
  • int stackPos = 2

void ModSettings_AddSliderSetting( string conVar, string displayName, float min = 0.0, float max = 1.0, float stepSize = 0.1, bool forceClamp = false )

Adds a ConVar setting to the menu that has a slider.


  • string conVar - the conVar this setting modifies
  • string displayName - The display string of this setting. This can be a localization token.
  • float min = 0.0 - the minimum value of the ConVar
  • float max = 0.0 - the maximum value of the ConVar
  • float stepSize = 0.1 - the distance between each possible value.
  • bool forceClamp = false - wether to force the value to round to the nearest interval of stepValue.


Whenever Mod Settings is used, the value will be clamped to the nearest value available in the slider.

void ModSettings_AddButton( string buttonLabel, void functionref() onPress, int stackPos = 2 )

Adds a button to the menu that has a custom click callback.


  • string conVar - the conVar this setting modifies
  • void functionref() onPress - callback that gets triggered when this button is pressed.
  • int stackPos


Settings Declaration


  AddModCategory( "Gameplay" )
  AddConVarSetting( "my_mod_gamer_setting", "Gamer Setting", "string" )
  AddConVarSettingEnum( "my_mod_enum_setting_whatever", "Cool Feature", [ "Disabled", "Enabled" ] )

  AddModCategory( "Visuals" )
  AddConVarSetting( "my_mod_display_color", "Display Color", "vector" )
  AddModSettingsButton( "Preview", void function(){ AdvanceMenu( "MyModMenu" ) } )  // Assumes you have "MyModMenu" set up etc.


To create custom wrapper functions you need to specify the stack position where the root of your Mod Setting declarations take place.

  void function AddModSettingsDropDown( string displayName, array<string> options )
    NSModSettingsAddButton( displayName, void function() { OpenDropDown( options ) }, 3 )

Note that in this example the stack position is 3, since AddModSettingsButton needs to walk one additional step to the callback function.