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Dependency Constants and Compiler Directives

Compiler Directives

Compiler directives are a way to compile code only if a specific condition is met. To use this you have the #if, #endif, #else and #elseif keyword.

Contditons you can check for are

  • SERVER Checks if the code is compiled on the server VM.
  • CLIENT Checks if the code is compiled on the client VM.
  • UI Checks if the code is compiled on the UI VM.
  • MP Checks if the code is compiled in a multiplayer match.
  • SP Checks if the code is compiled in a singeplayer match.
  • DEV Checks if the code is compiled with the -dev keyword in the startup arguments.

These conditions can also be combined with the regular squirrel boolean expressions

Chat_ServerBroadcast("Message from the server VM")
#if (CLIENT && MP) || DEV
#elseif SP

Dependency Constants

Dependency constants are used to only compile code if a dependency your mod requires is loaded, these use the Compiler directives syntax.

Inside your mod.json define a constant as:

    // mod.json stuff
    "Dependencies": {
        // sets the constant to 0 or 1, depending if the mod with the name "Mod Name" exists and is enabled
        "CONSTANT_NAME": "Mod Name"

For Example:


Will define a constant PLAYER_HAS_ROGUELIKE_MOD that is set to 0 or 1 depending if the mod is enabled. It then can be used as a constant/compiler flag.

print("player has roguelike mod")
print("Can't use the function because the mod is off :'(")