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Required Interfaces


Remember that the first parameter of any function for every interface is always a pointer to an instance of that interface

The first implicit parameter is omitted in this documentation for simplicity and C++ code parity


Every enum in this file should be treated as non exhaustive and members can be added in future Northstar versions.

Some interfaces are required to be exposed by every plugin.

Plugins without all of these interfaces will be unloaded immediately.



Current latest version: IPluginId001

The IPluginId provides information about the plugin itself, like the name and when to run.


char* GetString(PluginString id)

Returns a string associated with the id, or 0 if the id is unknown.

int64_t GetField(PluginField id)

Returns a number associated with the id, or 0 if the id is unknown.

enum PluginString : i32

To distinguish what string is requested with IPluginId::GetString

NAME = 0

The name of the plugin


The prefix to use for logs in northstar. Use 8 characters to align with northstar prefixes.


For every loaded plugin a squirrel global constant is registered with this value. Has to be a valid squirrel identifier.

The constant can be used to control when a script is compiled and can be used in the "RunOn" field of the mod.json or in a script directly

print("my plugin is loaded");
print("my plugin is not loaded :(");

enum PluginField : i32

To distinguish what integer is requested with IPluginId::GetField


A bitfield used to determine if the plugin should loaded in the current context.

  • DEDICATED: 0x1

    Keep the plugin loaded on dedicated northstar servers

  • CLIENT: 0x3

    Keep the plugin loaded on dedicated northstar clients


Determines the color used for the log prefix of the plugin.

If all channels are 0, Northstar will use a default color.

  • [bits 0-8]: RED

  • [bits 8-16]: BLUE

  • [bits 16-24]: GREEN



Current latest version: IPluginCallbacks001

For some commonly used events northstar provides callbacks.


void Init(HMODULE northstarModule, const PluginNorthstarData* initData, bool reloaded)

Called after the plugin has been loaded and validated.

Use DllMain to initialize systems required for the validation of your plugin, like registering all interfaces for your CreateInterface export.

void Finalize()

Called after all plugins are initialized

void Unload()

Called right before this plugin is unloaded

void OnSqvmCreated(CSquirrelVM* sqvm)

Called after an sqvm is created

void OnSqvmDestroying(CSquirrelVM* sqvm)

Called just before the sqvm is destroyed

void OnLibraryLoaded(HMODULE module, char* name)

Called whenever any module is loaded, either by northstar, the game or any plugin

void RunFrame()

Called every game frame


Data that's useful for the initialization of your plugin

HMODULE pluginHandle

The handle of the initializing plugin