Creating gamemodes¶
Creating a gamemode is significantly more complex than making mutators. The main differences are the number of things you must define in order to create a functioning gamemode.
For example, the client localisation, the way the gamemode is defined (FFA, TDM, etc), the scoring system, respawn system (FFA or TDM spawnpoints) and team mechanics must all be considered.
The mod.json
The mod.json
is responsible for governing when, and where your mod is loaded, and follows a layout that is fairly complicated at first glance.
However, once you get the hang of it, it should be fairly easy to use.
"Name" : "SimpleRandomiser",
"Description" : "A randomiser gamemode that randomizes your loadouts!",
"Version": "0.1.0",
"LoadPriority": 1,
The script above defines the public and listed details of the mod.
"Scripts": [
"Path": "gamemodes/_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "SERVER && MP"
"Path": "gamemodes/cl_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "CLIENT && MP"
"Path": "sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "MP",
"ClientCallback": {
"Before": "simplerandomiser_init"
"ServerCallback": {
"Before": "simplerandomiser_init"
The script above defines both what functions to run, when to run them and WHERE to run them,
The first one being _gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
runs the server scripts, which handles the portion of everything related to the player, such as taking their weapons and replacing it with a different one.
Second one being cl_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
is where the client scripts run to perform stuff locally on the player's game, such as playing music, receiving announcement texts from the server and so on.
Lastly, sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
is a shared script between server and client, in this case it runs your simplerandomiser_init
in order to assign many variables for the server and client to "know" about this gamemode.
For example, both server and client needs to know whether if this gamemode exists in the private match settings, the scoring HUD and system, the spawnpoints configuration and many more.
"Localisation": [
This defines the path to the language file, and its main use is to localize strings such as the announcement texts, gamemode and so on.
Name this file mod.json
, and it should go in the mods root folder, that being /yourmodname.
Here's what the end result would look like:
"Name" : "SimpleRandomiser",
"Description" : "SimpleRandomiser",
"Version": "0.1.0",
"LoadPriority": 1,
"Scripts": [
"Path": "gamemodes/_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "SERVER && MP"
"Path": "gamemodes/cl_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "CLIENT && MP"
"Path": "sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut",
"RunOn": "MP",
"ClientCallback": {
"Before": "simplerandomiser_init"
"ServerCallback": {
"Before": "simplerandomiser_init"
"Localisation": [
Language file¶
This follows a fairly simple template, the only thing of note is that you often get strange behaviour using UTF-8
when saving the file instead of using UTF-16 LE
"Language" "english"
Name this file simplerandomiser_localisation_english.txt
and place it in the yourmodsname/mod/resource/
Shared functions¶
Let's begin the process by first creating the file sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
and making the core components of the gamemode, which is to define the gamemode properties.
global function simplerandomiser_init // initializing functions
global const string GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER = "rand"
// we want a short term to use which allows server owners to
// select our gamemode without typing the entire name
// also makes it easier for us lol
void function simplerandomiser_init()
// start defining what to do before the map loads on this gamemode
AddCallback_OnCustomGamemodesInit( CreateGamemodeRand ) // define various properties such as name, desc, so on
AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( RandRegisterNetworkVars ) // server callbacks stuff
void function CreateGamemodeRand()
GameMode_SetName( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, "#GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER" ) // localizations will be handled later
GameMode_SetDesc( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, "#PL_rand_desc" )
GameMode_SetGameModeAnnouncement( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, "grnc_modeDesc" )
GameMode_SetDefaultTimeLimits( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, 10, 0.0 ) // a time limit of 10 minutes
GameMode_AddScoreboardColumnData( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, "#SCOREBOARD_SCORE", PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, 2 ) // dont fuck with it
GameMode_AddScoreboardColumnData( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, "#SCOREBOARD_PILOT_KILLS", PGS_PILOT_KILLS, 2 ) // dont fuck with it
GameMode_SetColor( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, [147, 204, 57, 255] ) // dont fuck with it
AddPrivateMatchMode( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER ) // add to private lobby modes
AddPrivateMatchModeSettingEnum("#PL_rand", "rand_enableannouncements", ["#SETTING_DISABLED", "#SETTING_ENABLED"], "1")
// creates a togglable riff whether or not we want to announce a text to the client
AddPrivateMatchModeSettingArbitrary("#PL_rand", "rand_announcementduration", "3")
// Creates a riff with an arbitrary numerical value for how long the announcement text remains on screen
// These riffs can be accessed from server configs or from the private match settings screen, under the "Simple Randomiser" category
// set this to 25 score limit default
GameMode_SetDefaultScoreLimits( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, 25, 0 )
GameMode_AddServerInit( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, GamemodeRand_Init ) // server side initalizing function
GameMode_SetPilotSpawnpointsRatingFunc( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, RateSpawnpoints_Generic )
GameMode_SetTitanSpawnpointsRatingFunc( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, RateSpawnpoints_Generic )
// until northstar adds more spawnpoints algorithm, we are using the default.
#elseif CLIENT
GameMode_AddClientInit( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, ClGamemodeRand_Init ) // client side initializing function
#if !UI
GameMode_SetScoreCompareFunc( GAMEMODE_SIMPLERANDOMISER, CompareAssaultScore )
// usually compares which team's score is higher and places the winning team on top of the losing team in the scoreboard
void function RandRegisterNetworkVars()
Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_Randomiser" )
// will come in useful later when we want the server to communicate to the client
// for example, making an announcement appear on the client
The comments should hopefully explain what most of everything does, but just to summarize:
- we defined the gamemode's name and description using a string that we will localize ourselves later.
- we set the default scoring method, what spawnpoint algorithm to use, as well as the scoreboard size.
- we defined server callbacks, which we will use later on in the server scripts portion of this gamemode.
Now that we're done, name this file sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
and place it in the yourmodsname/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes
Server-side function¶
Now that we're down with defining the gamemode, its time to focus on the component on that makes the gamemode function in-game. For this, it will be mostly handled by the server scripts, so head into _gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
to begin writing the randomizing script.
global function GamemodeRand_Init
void function GamemodeRand_Init()
SetLoadoutGracePeriodEnabled( false ) // prevent modifying loadouts with grace period
SetWeaponDropsEnabled( false ) // prevents picking up weapons on the ground
AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( GiveRandomGun )
As you may have noticed, checking if it is a server is a special case, so we use #if SERVER
and #endif
instead of the usual if(thing){stuff}
Now that our initial function is created, we now have the game triggering GiveRandomGun
when a player spawns, but we don't have any such function, so let's begin creating one.
Firstly, we need to know what weapons we can equip. For this we define an array:
array<string> pilotWeapons = ["mp_weapon_alternator_smg",
Here we have defined an array with only 4 weapons in it, you can make this list however you like but remember to separate all but the last item with a ,
Randomise function¶
As we already know its going to call the function GiveRandomGun
when a player respawns, let's define that now.
First we strip any existing weapons:
void function GiveRandomGun(entity player)
foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() )
player.TakeWeaponNow( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
This iterates through each weapon (that being the primary, secondary and anti-titan weapons) and removes them individually.
Then lets give them a new, random weapon by selecting a random item from our previous array:
player.GiveWeapon( pilotWeapons[ RandomInt( pilotWeapons.len() ) ] )
Now, remember the server callback that we defined earlier in sh_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
? Let's put that to use.
We are going to make it so the player receives an announcement whenever they have their weapons randomized.
// checks if the toggle option is set to enabled
if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "rand_enableannouncements", 1 ) == 1 )
Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_Randomiser" ) // call the function that will be used client-side
Overall, the server script should look like this.
global function GamemodeRand_Init
void function GamemodeRand_Init()
SetLoadoutGracePeriodEnabled( false ) // prevent modifying loadouts with grace period
SetWeaponDropsEnabled( false ) // prevents picking up weapons on the ground
AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( GiveRandomGun )
array<string> pilotWeapons = ["mp_weapon_alternator_smg",
void function GiveRandomGun(entity player)
foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() )
player.TakeWeaponNow( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
player.GiveWeapon( pilotWeapons[ RandomInt( pilotWeapons.len() ) ] )
// checks if the toggle option is set to enabled
if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "rand_enableannouncements", 1 ) == 1 )
Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_Randomiser", GetCurrentPlaylistVarFloat( "rand_announcementduration", 3 ) ) // call the function that will be used client-side
Name this file _gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
and place it in the yourmodsname/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes
folder as well.
Make sure to double check that all spellings are correct in your mod as everything is case-sensitive.
Client-side functions¶
Lastly, for your cl_gamemode_simplerandomiser.nut
, we are going to utilize the callback functions from earlier, as well as add some music to play during the gamemode.
global function ClGamemodeRand_Init
global function ServerCallback_Randomiser
void function ClGamemodeRand_Init()
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_INTRO, "music_mp_freeagents_intro", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_INTRO, "music_mp_freeagents_intro", TEAM_MILITIA )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_WIN, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_win", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_WIN, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_win", TEAM_MILITIA )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_DRAW, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_DRAW, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_MILITIA )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LOSS, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LOSS, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_MILITIA )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_THREE_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_almostdone", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_THREE_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_almostdone", TEAM_MILITIA )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LAST_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_lastminute", TEAM_IMC )
RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LAST_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_lastminute", TEAM_MILITIA )
void function ServerCallback_Randomiser( float duration )
AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#RAND_RANDOMIZED" )
Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#RAND_RANDOMIZED_DESC" )
Announcement_SetTitleColor( announcement, <0,0,1> )
Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
Announcement_SetPriority( announcement, 200 ) //Be higher priority than Titanfall ready indicator etc
Announcement_SetSoundAlias( announcement, SFX_HUD_ANNOUNCE_QUICK )
Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, duration )
Announcement_SetStyle( announcement, ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_QUICK )
AnnouncementFromClass( GetLocalViewPlayer(), announcement )
What this script does is quite simple. It registers default music to play during the intro portion, when winning, drawing or losing, as well as the event when the timelimit reaches 3 minutes or 1 minute left.
Also, it also displays an announcement towards the player when they have their weapons randomized.
"So we're all done with the scripting stuff, right? That means we can finally run the gamemode itself!"
Technically, yes, you could. But it wouldn't look pretty. Remember all those strings with the # symbol in front of them? We have to localize them first so it displays correctly.
Hence, open your simplerandomiser_localisation_english.txt
which is located in the yourmodsname/mod/resource/
"Language" "english"
"PL_rand" "Simple Randomiser" // displays in the lobby settings
"rand_enableannouncements" "Toggle announcements" // describe the togglable setting
"rand_announcementduration" "Announcement duration" // describe the numerical setting
"PL_rand_lobby" "Simple Randomiser Lobby" // displays in lobby
"PL_rand_desc" "Your weapons are randomised! Fight and win!" // displays in the description of the gamemode in the lobby
"PL_rand_hint" "Your weapons are randomised! Fight and win!" // displays in the scoreboard of the gamemode ingame
"PL_rand_abbr" "RAND"
"GAMEMODE_TBAG" "Simple Randomiser" // displays in the loading screen
"RAND_RANDOMIZED" "Weapons Randomized" // displays in the announcement text
"RAND_RANDOMIZED_DESC" "Fight and win!" // displays below the announcement text, as a description
Alright, we're finally done! However, there's just one thing missing, which is to let the game know what maps are available for this gamemode to play on.
We will need to create a file called playlists_v2.txt
and place it in yourmodsname/keyvalues
Yes, you will need to create a folder called keyvalues
which is separate from the mod
folder that we placed all our scripts and localization inside.
Next, inside this playlists_v2.txt
, we will need to allow/disallow what maps can the gamemode be played on.
inherit defaults
name #PL_rand
lobbytitle #PL_rand_lobby
description #PL_rand_desc
hint #PL_rand_hint
abbreviation #PL_rand_abbr
max_players 12
max_teams 2
classic_mp 1
gamemode_score_hint #GAMEMODE_SCORE_HINT_TDM
inherit defaults
name #PL_rand
lobbytitle #PL_rand_lobby
description #PL_rand_desc
abbreviation #PL_rand_abbr
image ps
//mixtape_slot 7
mixtape_timeout 120
visible 0
mp_forwardbase_kodai 1
mp_grave 1
mp_homestead 1
mp_thaw 1
mp_black_water_canal 1
mp_eden 1
mp_drydock 1
mp_crashsite3 1
mp_complex3 1
mp_angel_city 1
mp_colony02 1
mp_glitch 1
mp_lf_stacks 1
mp_lf_deck 1
mp_lf_meadow 1
mp_lf_traffic 1
mp_lf_township 1
mp_lf_uma 1
mp_relic02 1
mp_wargames 1
mp_rise 1
mp_coliseum 1
mp_coliseum_column 1
There isn't much to say here except that we enabled this gamemode to played on all maps. So if this gamemode is set to auto-rotate maps in a server, it will go from one map to the next in order. You could disable certain maps by changing the 1
to a 0
Another thing to note is that under the Playlists
tab, there is an image
slot. You could change the image that displays when selecting a gamemode in the private match lobby. You can find out what the keyvalues for the other images by checking out other gamemodes in Northstar.Custom/keyvalues/playlists_v2.txt
Closing words¶
And that should be all you need in order to create a gamemode. Thanks for reading all the way to this point, and I hope you have learnt a thing or two.
If you ever have a question or two, feel free to head into the Northstar Discord and ask about in #modding-chat.
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