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Weapon Key Values

This document provides a list of various Key Values utilized by weapons and their purposes.

Note that asset values are identical to strings in Key Value files.

These can be modified with KeyValue modding, see here: weaponmodding

The majority of these values are held in eWeaponVar. Those that are can be modified with attachments (named "Mods" in Key Value files); otherwise, the game will crash with an "Unrecognized entry" error when Key Values are loaded.

List of KeyValues

Name Type eWeaponVar Purpose Notes
active_crosshair_count int True The number of crosshairs to use from the weapon's crosshair list, starting at rui_crosshair_index.
activitymodifier string True Used for certain weapon animations.
ads_fov_zoomfrac_end float True The fraction at which FoV should finish zooming in when aiming down sights.
ads_fov_zoomfrac_start float True The fraction at which FoV should start zooming in when aiming down sights.
ads_move_speed_scale float True Scalar on movement speed when aiming down sights. Does not affect acceleration.
aimassist_adspull_weaponclass string True Determines the aim assist class for aim assist pull on aiming down sights. none: No aim assist pull.
broad, broad_sp: Moderate aim assist pull.
precise, precise_sp: High aim assist pull.
aimassist_adspull_zoomEnd float True The fraction during aiming down sights at which aim assist pull ends.
aimassist_adspull_zoomStart float True The fraction during aiming down sights at which aim assist pull starts.
aimassist_disable_ads bool True Disables aim assist while aiming down sights.
aimassist_disable_ads_humansonly bool True Disables aim assist on non-heavily armored targets while aiming down sights.
aimassist_disable_ads_titansonly bool True Disables aim assist on heavily armored targets while aiming down sights.
aimassist_disable_hipfire bool True Disables aim assist while not aiming down sights.
aimassist_disable_hipfire_humansonly bool True Disables aim assist on non-heavily armored targets while not aiming down sights.
aimassist_disable_hipfire_titansonly bool True Disables aim assist on heavily armored targets while not aiming down sights.
allow_empty_fire bool True Allows the weapon to fire with no ammo remaining.
allow_headshots bool True Allows the weapon to land headshots on non-heavily armored targets. Does not work on titan weapons.
alt_fire_anim_count int True Used to alternate firing animations on weapons with dual launchers (Flight Core, Salvo Core, etc.)
alwaysShow bool False Unknown.
ammo_clip_random_loss_on_npc_drop float True Random fraction of ammo missing in the clip when dropped by an NPC.
ammo_clip_random_loss_on_npc_drop_chunksize int True Ensures that the ammo remaining in the weapon when dropped by an NPC is divisible by this value.
ammo_clip_reload_max int True Unknown.
ammo_clip_size int True Magazine size.
ammo_default_total int True The total amount of ammo a weapon spawns with, including the magazine.
ammo_display string True Unknown.
ammo_display_as_clips bool True Unknown.
ammo_drains_to_empty_on_fire bool True Forces the weapon's clip to drain to empty over fire_duration.
ammo_min_to_fire int True The minimum amount of ammo needed to fire the weapon.
ammo_min_to_fire_autoreloads bool True Forces a reload when the current ammo is lower than ammo_min_to_fire.
ammo_no_remove_from_clip bool True Enables/disables consuming ammo in the magazine on attack. If true while ammo_no_remove_from_stockpile is false, displays only stockpile ammo on HUD. If both are true, displays infinite ammo.
If true and magazine size is greater than 0, ammo is not removed from stockpile.
ammo_no_remove_from_stockpile bool True Enables/disables consuming ammo in the stockpile when reloading or on weapons with no magazine. If false, displays stockpile ammo on HUD.
ammo_per_shot int True The amount of ammo consumed per shot.
ammo_size_segmented_reload int True The amount of ammo reloaded per segment on weapons with segmented reloads.
ammo_stockpile_max int True The maximum amount of ammo that the stockpile can hold.
ammo_suck_behavior string True Can be melee_weapons, offhand_weapons, or primary_weapons. Use unknown.
anim_alt_idleAttack int True Unknown.
arc_switch_activator bool False Unknown.
attack_button_presses_ads bool True Enables/disables the attack button triggering aim down sights when held.
attack_button_presses_melee bool True Enables/disables the attack button triggering melee.
battle_chatter_event string False Unknown.
bob_ Various False A set of values controlling view model bobbing while moving.
body_skin int True Unknown.
body_type string False Unknown.
bodygroup1_name string False The name that body group 1 is tied to.
bodygroup1_set bool True Enables/disables body group 1. Distinct values exist for bodygroups up to bodygroup10.
bodygroup_ads_scope_name string False The name that the set of aiming down sights scopes is tied to.
bodygroup_ads_scope_set int True The index of the scope to use from the set while aiming down sights.
bodygroup_ammo_index_count int True The maximum amount of ammo visible on the viewmodel.
bolt_bounce_frac float True Maximum angle fraction from parallel that a bolt can still bounce off a surface at.
bolt_gravity_enabled bool True Enables/disables gravity on bolts fired.
bolt_hitsize float True The hitbox size of bolts. Hitbox size does not affect map collisions.
Not 1:1 with other size measurements.
bolt_hitsize_grow1_size float True The hitbox size the bolt reaches at the grow1 time.
bolt_hitsize_grow1_time float True The time in seconds at which grow1 size is reached.
bolt_hitsize_grow2_size float True The hitbox size the bolt reaches at the grow2 time.
bolt_hitsize_grow2_time float True The time in seconds at which grow2 size is reached.
bolt_hitsize_growfinal_lerptime float True The hitbox size the bolt reaches at the growfinal time.
bolt_hitsize_growfinal_size float True The time in seconds at which growfinal size is reached. Time values are absolute from projectile spawn, not cumulative. Later time values must be >= the previous values.
bounce_effect_table asset True The effect table to use when bouncing.
breaks_cloak bool True Enables/disables breaking cloak on attack. Does not appear to work for all weapons, such as titan weaponry.
burst_fire_count int True The number of shots fired in a burst.
burst_fire_delay float True The delay after a burst before another burst can be fired. Counts from the moment the last shot in a burst is fired.
Also prevents other actions (e.g. holstering, melee) until finished.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_end string True Deprecated. Sound effect played at the end of the burst/loop for the user.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_end_1p string True Sound effect played at the end of the burst/loop for the user.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_end_3p string True Sound effect played at the end of the burst/loop for others.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_end_npc string True Sound effect played at the end of the burst/loop for others when an NPC is using the weapon.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_middle string True Deprecated. Sound effect played on every attack in the burst/loop for the user. Ends on burst/loop end.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_middle_1p string True Sound effect played on every attack in the burst/loop for the user. Ends on burst/loop end.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_middle_3p string True Sound effect played on every attack in the burst/loop for others. Ends on burst/loop end.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_middle_npc string True Sound effect played on every attack in the burst/loop for others when an NPC is using the weapon. Ends on burst/loop end.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_start string True Deprecated. Sound effect played at the start of the burst/loop for the user.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_start_1p string True Sound effect played at the start of the burst/loop for the user.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_start_3p string True Sound effect played at the start of the burst/loop for others.
burst_or_looping_fire_sound_start_npc string True Sound effect played at the start of the burst/loop for others when an NPC is using the weapon.
bypass_semiauto_hold_protection bool True Unknown.
can_attack_when_dead bool True Unknown.
challeng_req string True Unknown.
challenge_tier int True Unknown.
chance_for_bonus_last_shot_in_clip float True Chance to refund a shot while on the last shot in the magazine.
charge_allow_melee bool True Allows the user to melee in the middle of charging the weapon.
charge_allow_midway_charge bool True Unknown.
charge_cooldown_delay float True The time in seconds since last charge before charge begins cooling down.
charge_cooldown_time float True The time in seconds for charge to cooldown to 0 (from full charge).
charge_drain_sound_1p string True Sound effect played to the user when charge begins cooling down.
charge_drain_sound_3p string True Sound effect played to others when charge begins cooling down.
charge_drain_sound_seek_to_charge_fraction bool True Enables/disables setting the starting point of the charge drain sound effect to match the charge fraction.
charge_drain_sound_stop_when_empty bool True Enables/disables stopping the charge drain sound effect when charge is empty.
charge_effect_1p string True The particle effect played to the user when charging.
charge_effect_3p string True The particle effect played to others when charging.
charge_effect_attachment string True The weapon part to attach the charge effect to. An additional charge effect can be used under charge_effect2.
charge_effect_show_during_drain bool True Determines whether to show the charge effect while cooling down.
charge_end_forces_fire bool True Forces the weapon to fire once charge is full. Always forces fire if charge_is_triggered_by_ADS is false.
charge_full_sound_1p string True Sound effect played to the user when charge is full.
charge_full_sound_3p string True Sound effect played to others when charge is full.
charge_is_triggered_by_ADS bool True Determines whether charge is triggered by aiming down sights. If false, charge is triggered by holding the attack button.
If false, appears to break other charge systems, such as sound effects and charge level increased callbacks.
charge_levels int True Determines how many equally-spaced charge levels are in the charge (max charge is always the last level).
charge_maintained_until_fired bool True Unknown.
charge_remain_full_when_fired bool True Preserves current charge when the weapon is fired.
charge_require_input bool True Requires the user to hold attack to coninue to charge the weapon. If false, charge continues once triggered. Does not work if charge_is_triggered_by_ADS is true.
charge_rumble_max int True Controls controller rumble at max charge.
charge_rumble_min int True Controls controller rumble at minimum charge.
charge_sound_1p string True Sound effect played to the user when charging begins.
charge_sound_3p string True Sound effect played to the user when charging begins.
charge_sound_seek_to_charge_fraction bool True Enables/disables setting the starting point of the charge sound effect to match the charge fraction.
charge_sound_stop_when_full bool True Enables/disables stopping the charge sound effect when charge is full.
charge_time float True The time in seconds it takes to charge to full (from empty).
charge_wave_max_count int False The number of steps charged wave attacks should take.
charge_wave_step_dist float False The distance each step moves a charged wave attack forward.
chargeup_time float False Additional time added to the active Core meter to account for charge time. Total Core meter time is the sum of this and core_duration.
clear_fx_on_new_view_model bool True Unknown.
clip_bodygroup string False The name of the magazine bodygroup to refer to.
clip_bodygroup_index_shown bool False Unknown.
clip_bodygroup_index_hidden bool False Unknown.
clip_bodygroup_shown_for_milestone_0 bool False Enables/disables showing the body group during the corresponding reload milestone. Additional milestone values exist up to clip_bodygroup_shown_for_milestone_4.
cooldown_time float True The time in seconds after the weapon stops firing before it can fire again. Unlike fire_rate, does not prevent other actions.
cooldown_viewkick_adsScale float True Scalar on cooldown recoil when aiming down sights.
cooldown_viewkick_hardScale float True Scalar on cooldown hard recoil, which applies recoil instantly.
cooldown_viewkick_pitch_base float True The base amount of vertical recoil applied when cooldown begins (positive = down).
cooldown_viewkick_pitch_random float True The maximum absolute value of randomness added to base cooldown vertical recoil.
cooldown_viewkick_pitch_random_innerexclude float True Unknown. The same values exist for yaw (positive = left).
cooldown_viewkick_softScale float True Scalar on cooldown soft recoil, which applies recoil over time.
core_build_time float True Unused. The number of seconds to build Core.
core_duration float True Duration of the Core in seconds. Does not include Core charge up time.
critical_hit bool True Allows the weapon to land critical hits on heavily armored targets.
critical_hit_damage_scale float True Scalar on critical hit damage.
crosshair_force_sprint_fade_disabled float True Prevents the crosshair from fading when sprinting.
custom_bool_0 bool True Utility value with no specific purpose.
custom_float_0 float True Utility value with no specific purpose.
custom_int_0 int True Utility value with no specific purpose. These utility values go up to custom_[x]_7.
damage_additional_bullets int True Has no native use. Used by Railgun in script to add damage per charge.
damage_additional_bullets_titanarmor int True Has no native use. Used by Railgun in script to add heavy armor damage per charge.
damage_falloff_type string True Determines the class of damage falloff to use. Only used by EVA-8.
damage_far_distance float True The distance at which the far damage value is reached. If headshot_distance is not specified, this also acts as the maximum headshot distance.
Controls maximum range for hitscan shotgun attacks.
Damage scales linearly between near to far distances and far to very far (if it is used) distances.
damage_far_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at damage_far_distance.
damage_far_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at damage_far_distance. Optional. If unused, damage_far_value is applied instead.
damage_flags int True The damage flags used by the weapon. Only applies by default; flags can be overwritten in script.
damage_headshot_scale float True Scalar on headshot damage.
damage_heavyarmor_nontitan_scale float True Unknown.
damage_inverse_distance float True Distance used alongside inverse damage falloff type.
damage_near_distance float True The farthest distance at which near damage value is applied. Damage scales linearly between near to far distances.
damage_near_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at or below damage_near_distance.
damage_near_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at or below damage_near_distance. Optional. If unused, damage_near_value is applied instead.
damage_rodeo float True Damage dealt to the enemy titan during Rodeo. Unused normally.
damage_very_far_distance float True The distance at which the very far damage value is reached. Optional. If unused, damage does not change after far distance.
damage_very_far_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at or past damage_ver_far_distance. Optional.
damage_very_far_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at or past damage_ver_far_distance. Optional. If unused, damage_very_far_value is applied instead.
deploy_time float True The time in seconds for the weapon to deploy when swapped to from a main weapon.
deploycatch_time float True Unknown.
deployfirst_time float True Unknown.
description string True Text displayed in weapon flyout descriptions.
destroy_on_all_ammo_take bool True Unknown.
destroy_on_drop bool True Destroys the weapon when dropped, preventing pickup.
dialog_core_online string False Voiceline played when Core is available.
dialog_core_activated string False Voiceline played when Core is activated.
does_not_interrupt_cloak bool False Enables/disables not triggering cloak flickering on toss. (Grenades only)
dof_nearDepthEnd float True Unknown.
dof_nearDepthStart float True Unknown.
dof_zoom_focusArea_Bottom float True Unknown.
dof_zoom_focusArea_Horizontal float True Unknown.
dof_zoom_focusArea_Top float True Unknown.
dof_zoom_nearDepthEnd float True Unknown.
dof_zoom_nearDepthStart float True Unknown.
empty_reload_only bool False Enables/disables allowing reloads only when there is no ammo in the magazine.
enable_highlight_networking_on_creation bool True Unknown.
explosion_damage int True Maximum explosion damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets.
explosion_damage_flags int True Unused. Likely equivalent to damage_flags, but for explosions.
explosion_damage_heavy_armor int True Maximum explosion damage dealt to heavily armored targets. Optional. If unused, explosion_damage is applied instead.
explosion_damages_owner bool True Enables/disables damaging the user with explosions.
explosion_inner_radius float True The distance within which maximum explosion damage is dealt. Optional. If unused, assumed to be 0.
explosion_shake_amplitude float True Strength of screen shake caused by explosions.
explosion_shake_duration float True The time in seconds that the explosion screen shake lasts.
explosion_shake_frequency float True Frequency of the explosion screen shake pattern.
explosion_shake_radius float True The radius in which the explosion screen shake applies to enemies.
explosionradius float True The maximum distance within which explosion damage can be dealt.
fast_swap_to bool True Enables/disables fast swap when swapping to the weapon.
fire_anim_rate float False Unknown.
fire_duration float True Duration in seconds that an ability lasts for. Used by offhand weapons. Also determines ammo drain time for weapons with ammo_drains_to_empty_on_fire enabled.
fire_mode string True Determines weapon attack and holster behavior. auto, full-auto: Attacks as long as the trigger is held. (Default)
semi-auto: Attacks once per trigger pull.
offhand: Swapped to when triggered, attacks as soon as possible, and holsters once fired.
offhand_instant: Immediately attacks without being swapped to.
offhand_melee: Used by melee weapons.
offhand_melee_hybrid: Used by held melee weapons. Triggers a melee attack by attacking with the weapon.
fire_rate float True The fire rate of the weapon in attacks per second. For burst weapons, determines the fire rate of the burst.
For weapons with accelerating fire rate, determines the minimum fire rate.
Also prevents other actions (e.g. holstering, melee) until the shot cooldown (1/fire_rate) has passed.
fire_rate_max float True The maximum fire rate of the weapon in attacks per second. Used for accelerating fire rate.
fire_rate_max_time_cooldown float True The time in seconds for the fire rate to decrease to minimum. Used for accelerating fire rate.
fire_rate_max_time_speedup float True The time in seconds for the fire rate to increase to maximum. Used for accelerating fire rate.
fire_rate_max_use_ads bool True Enables/disables setting fire rate to fire_rate_max when aiming down sights. Disables acceleration defined by fire_rate_max_time_cooldown and fire_rate_max_time_speedup.
fire_rumble string True Determines the class used for controller rumble.
fire_sound_1 string True Deprecated. Sound effect played to user on attack.
fire_sound_1_npc string True Sound effect played to others on NPC attack.
fire_sound_1_player_1p string True Sound effect played to user on attack.
fire_sound_1_player_3p string True Sound effect played to others on attack. Additional fire sound effects exist up to fire_sound_3.
fire_sound_first_shot string True Deprecated. Sound effect played for the user on the first attack per trigger pull.
fire_sound_first_shot_npc string True Deprecated. Sound effect played for others on the first attack per trigger pull done by an NPC.
fire_sound_first_shot_player_1p string True Deprecated. Sound effect played for the user on the first attack per trigger pull.
fire_sound_first_shot_player_3p string True Deprecated. Sound effect played for others on the first attack per trigger pull. This functionality is done with looping sound effects now.
flyoutEnabled bool False Enables/disables weapon flyouts for this weapon.
fx_muzzle_flash_attach string True The weapon part to attach the muzzle flash effect to.
fx_muzzle_flash_attach_scoped string True The weapon part to attach the muzzle flash effect to while aiming down sights.
fx_muzzle_flash_view string True The muzzle flash effect shown to the user on attack.
fx_muzzle_flash_world string True The muzzle flash effect shown to others on attack. An additional muzzle flash effect can be used under fx_muzzle_flash2.
fx_shell_eject_attach string True The weapon part to attach the shell eject effect to.
fx_shell_eject_attach_scoped string True The weapon part to attach the shell eject effect to while aiming down sights.
fx_shell_eject_view asset True The shell eject effect shown to the user on attack.
fx_shell_eject_world asset True The shell eject effect shown to others on attack. An additional shell eject effect can be used under fx_shell_eject2.
gamepad_use_yaw_speed_for_pitch_ads bool True Uses yaw sensitivity for pitch sensitivity on controllers (normally, pitch is lower).
gesture_attack_anim bool False Unknown.
grapple_maxLength float True The maximum horizontal length of grapple (x/y axis).
grapple_maxLengthVert float True The maximum vertical length of grapple (z axis).
grapple_power_required float True The minimum amount of power required to use grapple.
grapple_power_use_rate float True The power drained per second while grapple is in use.
grapple_weapon bool True Identifies that the weapon is a grapple.
grenade_arc_impact_indicator_effect asset True The visual effect where the grenade arc indicator touches terrain.
grenade_arc_indicator_bounce_count int True The number of bounces the grenade arc indicator shows.
grenade_arc_indicator_effect asset True The particle effect used to create the grenade arc indicator.
grenade_arc_indicator_effect_first asset True Unknown.
grenade_arc_indicator_show_from_hip bool True Enables/disables the grenade arc indicator to be shown while not aiming down sights.
grenade_bounce_extra_vertical_randomness float True Scalar on the maximum random vertical velocity added to grenade velocity on bounce. (Grenades only)
grenade_bounce_randomness float True Scalar on the maximum random horizontal velocity added to grenade velocity on bounce. (Grenades only)
grenade_bounce_vel_frac_along_normal float True The fraction of velocity preserved when bouncing off a surface parallel to velocity. (Grenades only)
grenade_bounce_vel_frac_shallow float True The fraction of velocity preserved when bouncing off a surface at a shallow angle to velocity. (Grenades only)
grenade_bounce_vel_frac_sharp float True The fraction of velocity preserved when bouncing off a surface at a sharp angle to velocity. (Grenades only)
grenade_death_drop_velocity_extraUp float True The fraction of velocity applied upward when the grenade is released by dying. (Grenades only)
grenade_death_drop_velocity_scale float True The fraction of velocity applied forwards (in current direction) when the grenade is released by dying. (Grenades only)
grenade_disc_throw bool False Unknown.
grenade_fuse_time float True The time in seconds after being pulled out that a grenade will last before exploding. (Grenades only)
grenade_ignition_time float True The time in seconds in time after ignition that a grenade will last before expiring. Ignition is triggered in script. (Grenades only)
grenade_orient_to_velocity bool True Unknown.
grenade_radius_horizontal float True Horizontal distance a grenade will shift by when bouncing horizontally. (Grenades only)
grenade_radius_vertical float True Bonus vertical distance on the grenade hitbox. (Grenades only)
grenade_roll_vel_frac_per_second float True The fraction of velocity preserved per second of rolling. (Grenades only)
grenade_show_indicator_to_owner bool False Enables/disables the nearby grenade indicator for the user on grenades fired.
headshot_distance float False The distance within which headshots can occur. Optional. If unused, damage_far_distance is applied instead.
hide_holstered_sidearm_when_active bool True Hides the holstered weapon while this weapon is active. Primarily used by offhands.
holster_time float True The time in seconds for the weapon to holster when swapping to a main weapon. burst_fire_delay and fire_rate can cause a weapon to take longer to holster than this time.
holster_type string True Determines where the weapon is holstered on the player model.
holstermodel asset True The weapon viewmodel while holstered.
hud_icon string True The icon shown for the weapon on HUD.
idle_sound_player_1p string True Sound effect played while the weapon is idle.
ignition_distance float True The distance at which the missile is ignited and pre_ignition values no longer apply. (Missiles only)
ignition_effect float True The visual effect played upon ignition. (Missiles only)
ignition_sound float True The sound effect played upon ignition. (Missiles only)
impact_effect_table asset True The effect table referenced for collisions. Includes both visuals and sound effects.
impulse_force int True The impulse force applied on damage.
impulse_force_explosions int True The impulse force applied on explosion damage. (Optional) If unused, impulse_force is applied instead.
instant_swap_from bool True Instantly swaps when swapping from this weapon to another.
instant_swap_to bool True Instantly swaps when swapping to this weapon from another.
is_burn_mod bool True Used to identify Amped attachments and trigger related flags.
item_flags int False Unknown.
leveled_pickup bool False Unknown.
lifetime_shots_default int True Unknown.
loadout_child_ref string True Unknown.
loadout_parent_ref string True Unknown.
loadout_selectable bool True Unknown.
loadout_type string True Unknown.
looping_sounds bool True Enables/disables burst_or_looping_fire_sound effects. Does not disable fire_sound effects.
low_ammo_fraction float True Unknown.
low_ammo_sound_name_1 string True Sound effect played to the user on the last shot in the magazine. Additional values exist for the i-th to last shot up to low_ammo_sound_name_15.
low_ammo_sound_range_name_1 string True Unknown.
low_ammo_sound_range_start_1 int True Unknown. Additional values for these exist up to low_ammo_sound_range_[x]_3.
lower_time float True The time in seconds it takes to lower the weapon when swapping to an offhand weapon.
melee_angle float True The angle of the cone used for melee hit detection.
melee_anim_1p_number int True ID used to determine the first person animation of a melee weapon.
melee_anim_3p string True Determines the third person animation of a melee weapon.
melee_attack_animtime float True The time in seconds it takes for the whole first person melee animation to play. Also affects the timing of the melee hitbox (both startup and duration).
Does not change the length of time the user is locked to their melee weapon.
melee_can_hit_humansized bool True Enables/disables the melee weapon to hit non-heavily armored targets.
melee_can_hit_titans bool True Enables/disables the melee weapon to hit heavily armored targets.
melee_damage int True Melee damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets.
melee_damage_heavyarmor int True Melee damage dealt to heavily armored targets.
melee_freezelook_on_hit float True Unknown.
melee_lunge_target_angle float True The angle of the cone used for melee lunge.
melee_lunge_target_range float True The range of the cone used for melee lunge.
melee_lunge_time float True The time in seconds a melee lunge takes to complete its travel.
melee_raise_recovery_animtime_normal float True Scalar on the time it takes to raise the held weapon after a melee.
melee_raise_recovery_animtime_quick float True Unknown.
melee_range float True The range of the cone used for melee hit detection.
melee_respect_next_attack_time bool True Unknown.
melee_rumble_on_hit string True Determines the class used for controller rumble on melee hit.
melee_rumble_on_hit_partial string True Unknown.
melee_sound_attack_1p string True Sound effect played to the user on melee attack.
melee_sound_attack_3p string True Sound effect played to others on melee attack.
menu_alt_icon string True Unknown.
menu_icon string True Icon shown for this weapon in menus (e.g. loadout screen).
menu_image string True Unknown.
minimap_reveal_distance float True Unknown.
mod_description string True Unknown.
mod_print_name string True Unknown.
mod_short_print_name string True Unknown.
move_speed_modifier float True Scalar on user movement speed.
move_speed_modifier_when_out_of_ammo float True Scalar on user movement speed while the weapon is out of ammo (both stockpile and magazine).
net_bullet_fix bool True Unknown.
net_optimize bool False Used to improve performance of hitscans. Should always be true for hitscan weapons. Projectiles fired with this on will have no third person sound effect and will not ping radar.
never_drop bool True Makes the weapon unable to be dropped.
npc_accuracy_multiplier_heavy_armor float True Scalar on NPC accuracy when targeting a heavily armored target. (Higher = better)
npc_accuracy_multiplier_npc float True Scalar on NPC accuracy when targeting a non-heavily armored NPC. (Higher = better)
npc_accuracy_multiplier_pilot float True Scalar on NPC accuracy when targeting a non-heavily armored player. (Higher = better)
npc_aim_at_feet bool True Enables/disables NPCs aiming at the feet of targets.
npc_aim_at_feet_vs_heavy_armor bool True Enables/disables NPCs aiming at the feet of heavily armored targets.
npc_attack_cone_angle float True Unknown.
npc_burst_secondary int True Unknown.
npc_charge_time_max float True Maximum time in seconds that the NPC will charge the weapon for.
npc_charge_time_min float True Minimum time in seconds that the NPC will charge the weapon for.
npc_clear_charge_if_not_fired bool True Enables/disables clearing weapon charge for NPCs if they do not fire when it finishes.
npc_damage_far_distance float True The distance at which the far damage value is reached for NPCs. Optional. Controls maximum range for hitscan shotgun attacks.
Damage scales linearly between near to far distances and far to very far (if it is used) distances.
npc_damage_far_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at npc_damage_far_distance for NPCs. Optional.
npc_damage_far_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at npc_damage_far_distance for NPCs. Optional.
npc_damage_near_distance float True The farthest distance at which near damage value is applied for NPCs. Optional. Damage scales linearly between near to far distances.
npc_damage_near_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at or below npc_damage_near_distance for NPCs. Optional
npc_damage_near_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at or below npc_damage_near_distance for NPCs. Optional.
npc_damage_very_far_distance float True The distance at which the very far damage value is reached for NPCs. Optional.
npc_damage_very_far_value float True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets at or past npc_damage_ver_far_distance for NPCs. Optional.
npc_damage_very_far_value_titanarmor float True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets at or past npc_damage_ver_far_distance. Optional. For each npc_damage value, if it is unused, the corresponding player value is applied instead.
npc_dangerous_to_heavy_armor bool True Unknown.
npc_dangerous_to_normal_armor bool True Unknown.
npc_directed_fire_ang_limit_cos float True Unknown.
npc_explosion_damage int True Maximum explosion damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets for NPCs.
npc_explosion_damage_heavy_armor int True Maximum explosion damage dealt to heavily armored targets for NPCs. Unlike npc_damage_ values, npc_explosion_damage values are set to 0 if unused.
npc_fire_at_enemy_defense_time float True The time in seconds that an NPC will fire at a defensive before holding their shots.
npc_full_auto_vs_heavy_armor bool True Unknown.
npc_lead_time_max_dist float True Unknown.
npc_lead_time_min_dist float True Unknown.
npc_lead_time_scale float True Unknown.
npc_max_burst int True The maximum number of shots an NPC will fire in a burst. Weapon need not be a burst weapon.
npc_max_engage_range float True The maximum range within which an NPC will move towards a non-heavily armored target.
npc_max_engage_range_heavy_armor float True The maximum range within which an NPC will move towards a heavily armored target.
npc_max_range float True The maximum range within which an NPC will attack a target.
npc_max_range_secondary float True Unknown.
npc_min_burst int True The minimum number of shots an NPC will fire in a burst. Weapon need not be a burst weapon.
npc_min_engage_range float True The range within which an NPC will stop moving towards a non-heavily armored target.
npc_min_engage_range_heavy_armor float True The range within which an NPC will stop moving towards a heavily armored target.
npc_min_range float True The minimum range before an NPC will attack a target.
npc_min_range_secondary float True Unknown.
npc_miss_fast_player bool True Unknown.
npc_pre_fire_delay float True Time in seconds before an NPC can fire the weapon once a target is chosen.
npc_pre_fire_delay_interval float True Time in seconds before npc_pre_fire_delay triggers again.
npc_reload_enabled bool True Allows NPCs to reload the weapon. Optional. If unused, reload_enabled is applied instead.
npc_rest_time_between_bursts_expedite float True Time in seconds before an NPC will fire another burst if staggered during rest time.
npc_rest_time_between_bursts_max float True Maximum time in seconds before an NPC will fire another burst.
npc_rest_time_between_bursts_min float True Minimum time in seconds before an NPC will fire another burst.
npc_rest_time_secondary float True Unknown.
npc_self_explosion_safety bool True Unknown.
npc_spread_cone_focus_time float True Unknown.
npc_spread_defocused_cone_multiplier float True Unknown.
npc_spread_pattern_focus_time float True Unknown.
npc_spread_pattern_not_in_fov_factor float True Unknown.
npc_spread_pattern_not_in_fov_time float True Unknown.
npc_suppress_lsp_allowed bool True Unknown.
npc_titan_ability string False Unknown.
npc_use_ads_move_speed_scale bool True Unknown.
npc_use_check_type string False Unknown.
npc_use_long_duration float True Unknown.
npc_use_max_damage float True Maximum amount of damage taken before an NPC will use this weapon.
npc_use_min_damage float True Minimum amount of damage taken before an NPC will use this weapon.
npc_use_min_projectile_damage float True Minimum amount of damage taken from projectiles before an NPC will use this weapon.
npc_use_normal_duration float False Time in seconds that an NPC will use this weapon.
npc_use_short_duration float True Unknown.
npc_use_strict_muzzle_dir bool True Unknown.
npc_vortex_block bool True Unknown.
offhand_blocks_sprint bool True Prevents the user from sprinting while this offhand weapon is in use.
offhand_default_inventory_slot int True Determines the inventory slot this offhand is inserted into with the give cheat command.
offhand_hold_enabled bool True Enables/disables holding the offhand weapon while it is pressed and attacking on release.
offhand_interupts_weapon_anims bool True Enables/disables interrupting any currently active weapon and immediately starting deployment when activating the weapon.
offhand_switch_force_draw bool True Unknown.
offhand_transition_has_attach_detach_anim_events bool True Unknown.
OnClientAnimEvent void functionref( entity weapon, string name ) False Unknown. (Client only)
OnProjectileCollision void functionref( entity projectile, vector pos, vector normal, entity hitEnt, int hitbox, bool isCritical ) False Callback ran when projectiles collide with terrain or entities.
OnProjectileIgnite void functionref( entity projectile ) False Callback ran when grenades ignite.
OnWeaponActivate void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when the weapon becomes active (e.g. when the crosshair becomes visible).
OnWeaponAttemptOffhandSwitch bool functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when attempting to switch to an offhand weapon. Returns true if successful or false otherwise.
OnWeaponChargeBegin bool functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when charging begins. Returns true if successful or returns false otherwise and denies the charge.
OnWeaponChargeEnd void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when charging ends.
OnWeaponChargeLevelIncreased bool functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when charge level increases. Returns true. False conditions unknown.
OnWeaponCustomActivityStart void functionref( entity weapon ) False Unknown.
OnWeaponDeactivate void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when the weapon becomes inactive (e.g. when the crosshair disappears)
OnWeaponNpcPreAttack void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when an NPC begins the pre-fire delay. (Server only)
OnWeaponNpcPrimaryAttack var functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran when the weapon attacks from an NPC. Returns ammo cost if successful or 0 if not. (Server only)
OnWeaponOwnerChanged void functionref( entity weapon, WeaponOwnerChangedParams changeParams ) False Callback ran when the user changes.
OnWeaponPrimaryAttack var functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran when the weapon attacks. Returns ammo cost if successful or 0 if not.
OnWeaponPrimaryAttackAnimEvent var functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran at a specific point in the weapon's attack animation. Returns ammo cost if successful or 0 if not.
OnWeaponReadyToFire void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when the weapon is ready to fire.
OnWeaponReload void functionref( entity weapon, int milestone ) False Callback ran when reload begins. Can have a nonzero milestone if reload was previously interrupted.
OnWeaponStartZoomIn void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when the user starts aiming down sights.
OnWeaponStartZoomOut void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when the user stops aiming down sights.
OnWeaponSustainedDischargeBegin bool functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when sustained discharge begins. Returns true if successful or returns false otherwise and denies the sustained discharge.
OnWeaponSustainedDischargePulse bool functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran when the sustained discharge pulses. Returns true if successful or false otherwise and stops the sustained discharge. Only used when sustained_discharge_want_pulse_callbacks is enabled.
OnWeaponSustainedDischargeEnd void functionref( entity weapon ) False Callback ran when sustained discharge emds.
OnWeaponTossCancelDrop void functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran when a toss-able object is dropped by swapping.
OnWeaponTossPrep void functionref( entity weapon, WeaponTossPrepParams prepParams ) False Callback ran when a toss-able object is pulled out.
OnWeaponTossReleaseAnimEvent void functionref( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams ) False Callback ran when a toss-able object is released.
OnWeaponVortexHitBullet bool functionref( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, var damageInfo ) False Callback ran when a vortex weapon is hit by a hitscan. Returns true if successful and deletes the bullet or false otherwise.
OnWeaponVortexHitProjectile bool functionref( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, entity projectile, vector contactPos ) False Callback ran when a vortex weapon is hit by a projectile. Returns true if successful and deletes the projectile or false otherwise.
ordnance_crosshair_always_on_start_index int True The index of a crosshair in the weapon's crosshair list to always have on. Used to show cooldowns as Pilot.
pass_through_damage_preserved_scale float True Scalar on damage dealt to following targets after the shot pierces through a target.
pass_through_depth float True The total amount of depth a shot can pierce through, inclusive.
passive string False Determines what passive to give when the Core weapon starts attacking. Only works for PAS_FUSION_CORE, PAS_SHIELD_BOOST, PAS_BERSERKER, PAS_SHIFT_CORE, and PAS_SMART_CORE.
pickup_hold_prompt string False Unknown.
pickup_press_prompt string False Unknown.
play_offhand_charging_anim bool False Enables/disables the standard charging animation of an offhand weapon for others.
play_offhand_fire_anim bool False Unknown.
play_offhand_start_end_anim bool False Unknown.
playermodel asset True Model of the weapon shown to others when held.
pre_ignition_damage int True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets before ignition. (Missiles only)
pre_ignition_damage_titanarmor int True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets before ignition. (Missiles only)
pre_ignition_flight_sound string True Sound effect played on missiles in flight before ignition. (Missiles only)
pre_ignition_impact_effect_table asset True The effect table referenced for collisions before ignition. (Missiles only) Includes both visuals and sound effects.
pre_ignition_npc_damage int True Damage dealt to non-heavily armored targets before ignition for NPCs. Optional. (Missiles only) If unusued, pre_ignition_damage applies instead.
pre_ignition_npc_damage_titanarmor int True Damage dealt to heavily armored targets before ignition for NPCs. Optional. (Missiles only) If unusued, pre_ignition_damage_titanarmor applies instead.
pre_ignition_speed float True Speed of the missile before ignition. (Missiles only)
pre_ignition_trail_effect string True Trail effect shown on the missile before ignition. (Missiles only)
primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint bool True Allows the main weapon to fire while sprinting.
printname string True Name displayed on the weapon selection screen in loadout creation.
proficiency_average_additional_rest float True Additional rest time between uses for NPCs with average proficiency.
proficiency_average_bias float True Unknown.
proficiency_average_spreadscale float True Scalar on spread for NPCs with average proficiency. Additional values exist for poor, good, very_good, and perfect proficiencies.
projectile_airburst_on_death bool True Unknown.
projectile_adjust_to_gun_barrel bool False Adjusts projectiles to visually launch from the weapon's barrel.
projectile_chasecamDistanceMax float True Unknown.
projectile_chasecamMaxOrbitDepth float True Unknown.
projectile_chasecamMaxPitchUp float True Unknown.
projectile_chasecamOffsetForward float True Forward vector offset of the camera from the projectile in killcams following it.
projectile_chasecamOffsetRight float True Right vector offset of the camera from the projectile in killcams following it.
projectile_chasecamOffsetUp float True Up vector offset of the camera from the projectile in killcams following it.
projectile_collide_with_owner bool True Unknown.
projectile_collide_with_owner_grace_time float True Unknown.
projectile_damage_reduction_per_bounce float True Flat damage reduction per bounce. Unaffected by normal damage falloff.
projectile_damages_owner bool True Enables/disables direct hit damage to the user from projectiles fired.
projectile_death_sound string True Unknown.
projectile_do_predict_impact_effects bool True Unknown.
projectile_drift_intensity float True Unknown.
projectile_drift_windiness float True Unknown.
projectile_first_person_offset_fraction float True Adjusts how far projectiles fired travel at an offset angle before straightening in first person.
projectile_flight_sound string True Sound effect played on projectiles in flight.
projectile_gravity_scale float True Scalar on gravity applied to projectiles.
projectile_ignore_owner_damage bool False Enables/disables owner damage to projectiles fired if they can take damage.
projectile_ignores_vortex string False Determines the bounce behavior of projectiles upon hitting vortex entities and prevents them from being deleted. Held vortexes (i.e. Vortex and Thermal Shield) only check for fall_vortex and still delete projectiles with other values.
mirror: Reverses horizontal velocity. (< -1, -1, 1 >)
drop: Reverses and reduces horizontal velocity by 75% and sets vertical velocity to 0. (< -0.25, -0.25, 0 >)
fall, fall_vortex: Reverses and reduces all velocity by 75%. (< -0.25, -0.25, -0.25 >)
projectile_inherit_owner_velocity_scale float True Scalar on how much of the user's velocity is applied to the projectile when fired.
projectile_killreplay_enabled bool True Allows killcams to follow the projectile that dealt the kill.
projectile_launch_pitch_offset float True Pitch offset projectiles are fired at (positive = up).
projectile_launch_speed float True Base speed of projectiles fired.
projectile_lifetime float True The time in seconds projectiles last before disappearing.
projectile_max_deployed int True The maximum number of projectiles that this weapon can have existing at once. Only works for weapons with tracked projectiles in script.
projectile_ricochet_max_count int True The maximum number of ricochets projectiles can have before disappearing on terrain collision.
projectile_speed_reduction_factor float True The fraction of speed lost by projectiles on ricochet.
projectile_straight_radius_max float True Unknown.
projectile_straight_radius_min float True Unknown.
projectile_straight_time_max float True Unknown.
projectile_straight_time_min float True Unknown.
projectile_trail_effect_0 asset True Trail effect shown on projectiles. Additional trail effects exist up to projectile_trail_effect_4.
projectile_visible_to_smart_ammo bool True Allows projectiles to be targeted by smart weapons.
projectiles_per_shot int True Has no native use. Used in script by some weapons to determine the number of projectiles fired per shot.
raise_from_sprint_time float True The time in seconds of the weapon's raise animation after sprinting. Not the time before firing is allowed. Animations can allow firing sooner at various fractions of the full raise time.
raise_time float True The time in seconds to raise the weapon when swapping from an offhand weapon. Does not include the time to raise the weapon after melee.
Not the time before firing is allowed. Animations can allow firing sooner at various fractions of the full raise time.
readyhint string True Usage hint text shown to the user in reminders. Used by Cores and inventory offhands (e.g. e-smoke, boosts).
readymessage string True Large text shown to the user in reminders. Used by Cores and inventory offhands (e.g. e-smoke, boosts).
rechamber_time float True The time in seconds to rechamber another round. Use by bolt-action weapons. Rechambering only begins after other delays (e.g. fire_rate, burst_fire_delay) are finished.
red_crosshair_range float True The range within which the crosshair will turn red when aiming at an enemy.
regen_ammo_refill_rate float True The rate in ammo per second at which ammo is regenerated in the magazine.
regen_ammo_refill_start_delay float True The time in seconds since last shot fired before ammo regeneration begins.
regen_ammo_sound_range_name_1 string True Unknown.
regen_ammo_sound_range_start_1 int True Unknown. Additional values exist up to regen_ammo_sound_range_[x]_3.
regen_ammo_stockpile_drain_rate_when_charging float True Unknown.
regen_ammo_stockpile_max_fraction float True Unknown.
regen_ammo_while_firing bool True Enables/disables incurring regen_ammo_refill_start_delay when firing a shot.
reload_alt_anim bool True Enables/disables a flag on certain weapons to use an alternate reload animation.
reload_enabled bool True Allows the weapon to be reloaded.
reload_is_segmented bool True Enables/disables segmented reloads for the weapon. Segmented reloads do not have reload milestones.
reload_no_auto_if_ads_pressed bool True Disables automatic reloads when the magazine is empty while aiming down sights.
reload_time float True The time in seconds to complete the reload animation when reloading from a non-empty magazine. For segmented reloads, this includes the time to start the reloading animation and load one segment.
reload_time_late1 float True The time in seconds to complete the non-empty reload animation from the first reload milestone. Additional values exist for the i-th reload milestone up to reload_time_late5.
reloadempty_time float True The time in seconds to complete the reload animation when reloading from an empty magazine. For segmented reloads, this includes the time to start the reloading animation and reload one segment.
reloadempty_time_late1 float True The time in seconds to complete the empty reload animation from the first reload milestone. Additional values exist for the i-th reload milestone up to reloadempty_time_late5.
reloadsegment_time_end float True The time in seconds to complete the end animation of a segmented non-empty reload. The end segment does not prevent any actions and ends on sprint.
reloadsegment_time_loop float True The time in seconds to complete one segment reload animation.
reloadsegmentempty_time_end float True The time in seconds to complete the end animation of a segmented empty reload. The end segment does not prevent any actions and ends on sprint.
rui_crosshair_index int True The index of a crosshair in the weapon's crosshair list to display.
rumble int False Unknown.
scripted_projectile_max_timestep float False Unknown.
shared_energy_charge_cost int True Amount of shared energy consumed per frame (60 times per second) while charging.
shared_energy_cost int True Amount of shared energy consumed on attack.
shortprintname string True Name displayed for the weapon in most places (e.g. loadout screen, weapon flyouts, pickups).
show_grenade_indicator bool False Disables the nearby grenade indicator shown to nearby targets on grenades fired. (Grenades only)
show_pre_modded_tracer bool True Unknown.
silenced bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_active_shot_damage_multiplier float True Unknown.
smart_ammo_active_shot_on_first_lock_only bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_active_shot_time float True Unknown.
smart_ammo_alert_npc_fraction float True The fraction of lock on at which NPCs will be alerted of the lock.
smart_ammo_allow_ads_lock bool True Enables/disables smart ammo to lock on while aiming down sights.
smart_ammo_allow_hip_fire_lock bool True Enables/disables smart ammo to lock on while hipfiring.
smart_ammo_allow_search_while_firing bool True Allows smart ammo to lock on while firing.
smart_ammo_allow_search_while_inactive bool True Allows smart ammo to lock on while the weapon is not held.
smart_ammo_alt_lock_style bool True Enables/disables limiting total locks by charge amount (higher = less locks).
smart_ammo_always_do_burst bool True Enables/disables always firing the maximum number of attacks per target.
smart_ammo_apply_new_target_delay_to_first_target bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_bounds_search_tick_interval int False Unknown.
smart_ammo_draw_acquisition_lines bool True Enables/disables displaying lines to target locks on the HUD.
smart_ammo_hold_and_reset_after_all_locks float True Unknown.
smart_ammo_hud_lock_style string True Determines the type of lock displayed.
smart_ammo_hud_type string True Determines the smart ammo layout displayed on the HUD.
smart_ammo_humans_only bool False Enables/disables targeting only humanoids.
smart_ammo_lock_effect_1p asset True Visual effect displayed on the weapon to the user while acquiring locks.
smart_ammo_lock_effect_3p asset True Visual effect displayed on the weapon to others while acquiring locks.
smart_ammo_lock_effect_attachment string True The weapon part to attach the lock visual effect to.
smart_ammo_lock_type string True Determines which target types the smart ammo can lock. small: Non-heavily armored targets.
large: Heavily armored targets.
any: Any target.
smart_ammo_looping_sound_acquiring string True Sound effect played while smart ammo is acquiring locks.
smart_ammo_looping_sound_locked string True Sound effect played while smart ammo is locked on to a target.
smart_ammo_max_targeted_burst int True The maximum burst size fired at any individual target.
smart_ammo_max_targets int True The maximum number of targets that can be locked simultaneously.
smart_ammo_max_trackers_per_target int True The maximum number of locks per target.
smart_ammo_new_target_delay float True Time in seconds before the smart weapon can start acquiring locks. Time starts from the moment the weapon is swapped to, even if it can't acquire locks due to deploy/raise time.
smart_ammo_npc_targets_must_be_tracked bool True Requires targets to be locked for NPCs to fire the weapon.
smart_ammo_only_search_on_charge bool True Enables/disables limiting lock acquisition to only while the weapon is charging.
smart_ammo_other_targets_must_be_tracked bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_player_targets_must_be_tracked bool True Requires targets to be locked for players to fire the weapon.
smart_ammo_points_search_tick_interval int False Unknown.
smart_ammo_search_angle float True The angle of the smart ammo search cone.
smart_ammo_search_distance float True The range of the smart ammo search cone.
smart_ammo_search_enemy_team bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_search_friendly_team bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_search_neutral_team bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_search_npcs bool True Enables/disables smart ammo searching for NPC targets.
smart_ammo_search_phase_shift bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_search_players bool True Enables/disables smart ammo searching for player targets.
smart_ammo_stick_to_fully_locked_targets bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_target_confirmed_sound string True Sound effect played when a target is fully locked.
smart_ammo_target_confirming_sound string True Sound effect played when a lock starts to be acquired.
smart_ammo_target_found_sound string True Sound effect played when a new target enters the search cone.
smart_ammo_target_lost_sound string True Sound effect played when locks on a target are lost.
smart_ammo_target_max_locks_heavy int True The maximum number of locks on a heavily armored target.
smart_ammo_target_max_locks_normal int True The maximum number of locks on a non-heavily armored target. If unused, acquires locks to deal enough damage to kill the target in a single burst (up to general maximum locks).
smart_ammo_target_npc_lock_factor float True Unknown.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_max float True The maximum time in seconds it takes to acquire a lock.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_max_npc float True The maximum time in seconds it takes to acquire a lock on an NPC.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_min float True The minimum time in seconds it takes to acquire a lock.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_min_npc float True The minimum time in seconds it takes to acquire a lock on an NPC.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_modifier_cloaked float True Scalar on lock on time when locking a cloaked target.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_modifier_projectile float True Scalar on lock on time when locking projectiles.
smart_ammo_targeting_time_modifier_projectile_owner float True Scalar on lock on time when locking projectiles from the user.
smart_ammo_titan_lock_point0 string False Unknown. Additional values for lock point exist up to smart_ammo_titan_lock_point7.
smart_ammo_titans_block_los bool False Enables/disables titans blocking LoS for acquiring locks on other targets.
smart_ammo_track_cloaked_targets bool True Allows smart ammo to lock on to cloaked targets.
smart_ammo_tracked_targets_check_visibility bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_tracker_status_effects bool True Unknown.
smart_ammo_unlock_debounce_time float True The time in seconds that locks on targets outside the search cone will be retained for before disappearing. Does not prevent locks from being cleared by looking too far away from the target.
smart_ammo_weapon_type <special> True Determines the type of smart ammo fired. If unused, defaults to hitscan bullets. The only other class is homing_missile.
sound_dryfire string True Sound effect played on offhand weapons when an attempted use or swap fails.
sound_pickup string True Sound effect played when picking up the weapon.
sound_trigger_pull string False Unknown.
sound_weapon_ready string True Sound effect played on offhand weapons when they have reached the next ammo_min_to_fire multiple.
special_3p_attack_anim bool False Enables/disables playing a non-standard animation for an offhand weapon on charge.
special_3p_attack_anim_after_charge bool False Enables/disables playing a non-standard animation for an offhand weapon after charge ends.
spread_air_ads float True The angle of the shot spread cone while aiming down sights in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_air_hip float True The angle of the shot spread cone while hipfiring in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_crouch_ads float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, aiming down sights, and crouching or sliding.
spread_crouch_hip float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, hipfiring, and crouching or sliding
spread_decay_delay float True The time in seconds since last shot fired before spread kick begins to decay.
spread_decay_rate float True The amount of spread kick regressed per second when decaying.
spread_kick_on_fire_air_ads float True The amount spread increases by per shot when aiming down sights in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_kick_on_fire_air_hip float True The amount spread increases by per shot when hipfiring in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_kick_on_fire_crouch_ads float True The amount spread increases by per shot when grounded, aiming down sights, and crouching or sliding.
spread_kick_on_fire_crouch_hip float True The amount spread increases by per shot when grounded, hipfiring, and crouching or sliding.
spread_kick_on_fire_stand_ads float True The amount spread increases by per shot when grounded, aiming down sights, and standing or sprinting.
spread_kick_on_fire_stand_hip float True The amount spread increases by per shot when grounded, hipfiring, and standing or sprinting.
spread_lerp_speed float True Unknown.
spread_max_kick_air_ads float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while aiming down sights in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_max_kick_air_hip float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while hipfiring in the air (includes wallrunning).
spread_max_kick_crouch_ads float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while grounded, aiming down sights, and crouching or sliding.
spread_max_kick_crouch_hip float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while grounded, hipfiring, and crouching or sliding.
spread_max_kick_stand_ads float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while grounded, aiming down sights, and standing or sprinting.
spread_max_kick_stand_hip float True The maximum amount of additional spread kick while grounded, hipfiring, and standing or sprinting.
spread_stand_ads float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, aiming down sights, and standing or walking.
spread_stand_hip float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, hipfiring, standing, and not moving.
spread_stand_hip_run float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, hipfiring, standing, and walking.
spread_stand_hip_sprint float True The angle of the shot spread cone while grounded, hipfiring, and sprinting.
spread_time_to_max float True Unknown.
spread_wallhanging float True The angle of the shot spread cone while wallhanging. Optional. If unused, spread_stand_hip is applied instead.
spread_wallrunning float True The angle of the shot spread cone while wallrunning. Optional. If unused, spread_air values are applied instead.
sprint_fractional_anims bool True Unknown.
sprintcycle_time float True Unknown.
stat_accuracy int True The accuracy rating shown on the weapon selection screen in loadout creation.
stat_damage int True The damage rating shown on the weapon selection screen in loadout creation.
stat_range int True The range rating shown on the weapon selection screen in loadout creation.
stat_rof int True The fire rate rating shown on the weapon selection screen in loadout creation.
stick_pilot bool False Enables/disables player entities sticking to projectiles fired. Includes player-manned titans.
stick_titan bool False Enables/disables titan entities sticking to projectiles fired.
stick_npc bool False Enables/disables npc entities sticking to projectiles fired. Includes npc/auto titans.
sustained_discharge_allow_melee bool True Allows the user to melee in the middle of a sustained discharge.
sustained_discharge_duration float True The time in seconds that a sustained discharge lasts.
sustained_discharge_pulse_frequency float True The number of attacks made per second during a sustained discharge.
sustained_discharge_require_input bool True Whether or not to stop the sustained discharge when the attack button is let go.
sustained_discharge_want_pulse_callbacks bool True Determines whether to use the OnWeaponSustainedDischargePulse callback or not.
sustained_laser_attachment string True The weapon part to attach the sustained laser effect to.
sustained_laser_effect_1p asset True The visual effect shown to the user when the sustained laser attacks.
sustained_laser_effect_3p asset True The visual effect shown to others when the sustained laser attacks.
sustained_laser_effect_loops bool True Enables/disables looping on the sustained laser effects.
sustained_laser_enabled bool True Enables/disables firing the sustained laser on sustained discharge.
sustained_laser_impact_distance float True The minimum distance for sustained_laser_impact_effect to be applied.
sustained_laser_impact_effect asset True The visual effect shown where the sustained laser impacts terrain.
sustained_laser_impact_effect_loops bool True Enables/disables looping on sustained_laser_impact_effect.
sustained_laser_new_surface_impact_effect_table asset True Unknown.
sustained_laser_radial_iterations int True The number of radial iterations the sustained laser is composed of.
sustained_laser_radial_step int True Scalar on the number of evenly spaced lasers created per radial iteration. 1 radial iteration is required for the single center beam.
Successive iterations generate 2 ^ (i - 2) * sustained_laser_radial_step evenly spaced lasers in a circle, where i is the current iteration.
E.g. 3 iterations and 3 step makes 1 center beam in the 1st iteration, 3 beams in the 2nd iteration, and 6 beams in the 3rd iteration.
sustained_laser_radius float True The radius increase in sustained laser circles as the radial iteration increases.
sustained_laser_range float True The maximum range of the sustained laser.
sway_ Various False A large set of values controlling view model sway when held.
threat_scope_bounds_height float True Used instead of tagname to manually specify threat scope height.
threat_scope_bounds_tagname1 string True Determines one corner of the threat scope.
threat_scope_bounds_tagname2 string True Determines one corner of the threat scope.
threat_scope_bounds_width float True Used instead of tagname to manually specify threat scope width.
threat_scope_enabled bool True Enables/disables threat scope.
threat_scope_fadeWithDistance bool True Unknown.
threat_scope_zoomfrac_end bool True Unknown.
threat_scope_zoomfrac_start bool True Unknown.
titanarmor_critical_hit_required bool True Enables/disables requiring critical hits to damage titans.
toss_overhead_time float True Unknown.
toss_pullout_time float True The time in seconds to pull out the toss-able object.
toss_time float True The time in seconds to throw the toss-able object.
tossholdsprintcycle_time float True Unknown.
tracer_effect asset True Tracer effect shown to others when a hitscan shot is fired.
tracer_effect_first_person asset True Tracer effect shown to the user when a hitscan shot is fired.
trap_warning_enemy_fx asset False Has no native use. The visual effect shown to enemy players when a trap light effect is played on projectiles.
trap_warning_friendly_fx asset False Has no native use. The visual effect shown to allied players when a trap light effect is played on projectiles.
trigger_snipercam bool False Unknown.
ui1_draw_cloaked bool True Enables/disables showing ui element 1 while cloaked.
ui1_enable bool True Enables/disables showing ui element 1. Additional values exist for ui elements up to ui8.
viewdrift_ads_air_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when aiming down sights in the air.
viewdrift_ads_crouch_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when grounded, aiming down sights, and crouched or sliding.
viewdrift_ads_speed_pitch float True Scalar on how quickly pitch viewdrift shifts while aiming down sights.
viewdrift_ads_stand_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when grounded, aiming down sights, and standing or sprinting.
viewdrift_hipfire_air_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when hipfiring in the air.
viewdrift_hipfire_crouch_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when grounded, hipfiring, and crouched or sliding.
viewdrift_hipfire_speed_pitch float True Scalar on how quickly pitch viewdrift shifts while hipfiring.
viewdrift_hipfire_stand_scale_pitch float True The maximum absolute value pitch the user view will drift by when grounded, hipfiring, and standing or sprinting. The same values exist for yaw viewdrift.
viewkick_ads_weaponFraction float True Scalar on how much the weapon/reticle recoils separate from viewpoint while aiming down sights (i.e. how much your viewpoint counters the recoil).
viewkick_ads_weaponFraction_vmScale float True Scalar on how much the weapon viewmodel recoils while aiming down sights.
viewkick_air_scale_ads float True Scalar on recoil generated while aiming down sights when the user is not grounded (includes wallrunning).
viewkick_duck_scale float True Scalar on recoil generated while crouching.
viewkick_hipfire_weaponFraction float True Scalar on how much the weapon/reticle recoils separate from viewpoint while hipfiring (i.e. how much your viewpoint counters the recoil).
viewkick_hipfire_weaponFraction_vmScale float True Scalar on how much the weapon viewmodel recoils while hipfiring.
viewkick_hover_scale float True Scalar on recoil generated while using pilot Hover.
viewkick_move_scale float True Scalar on recoil generated while moving.
viewkick_perm_pitch_base float True The base amount of vertical recoil (positive = down). Unaffected by viewkick_spring.
viewkick_perm_pitch_random float True The maximum absolute value of randomness added to base vertical recoil. Unaffected by viewkick_spring.
viewkick_perm_pitch_random_innerexclude float True Unknown.
viewkick_pitch_base float True The base amount of vertical recoil (positive = down).
viewkick_pitch_random float True The maximum absolute value of randomness added to base vertical recoil.
viewkick_pitch_softScale float True Scalar on soft vertical recoil, which applies recoil over time.
viewkick_pitch_hardScale float True Scalar on hard vertical recoil, which applies recoil instantly. The same values exist for yaw (positive = left)
viewkick_roll_base float True The absolute value base amount of roll.
viewkick_roll_hardScale float True Scalar on hard roll recoil.
viewkick_roll_randomMax float True The maximum amount of random roll added to base roll.
viewkick_roll_randomMin float True The minimum amount of random roll added to base roll.
viewkick_roll_softScale float True Scalar on soft roll recoil. Appears to simply be weaker than hard roll recoil. Roll values are unaffected by other scalars, such as viewkick_scale and weaponFraction.
viewkick_scale_min_hipfire float True Scalar on recoil generated when hipfiring at minimum LERP.
viewkick_scale_max_hipfire float True Scalar on recoil generated when hipfiring at maximum LERP.
viewkick_scale_min_ads float True Scalar on recoil generated when aiming down sights at minimum LERP.
viewkick_scale_max_ads float True Scalar on recoil generated when aiming down sights at maximum LERP.
viewkick_scale_valuePerShot float True How much each shot advances the LERP.
viewkick_scale_valueLerpStart float True The minimum value for the LERP.
viewkick_scale_valueLerpEnd float True The maximum value for the LERP.
viewkick_scale_valueDecayDelay float True The time in seconds since last shot fired before LERP begins to decay.
viewkick_scale_valueDecayRate float True The amount of LERP regressed per second when decaying.
viewkick_spring string True Specifies the class of viewkick spring, which dampens recoil above certain values.
viewmodel asset True The model of the weapon shown to the user when held.
viewmodel_offset_ads vector True The position offset of the viewmodel while aiming down sights.
viewmodel_offset_hip vector True The position offset of the viewmodel while hipfiring.
viewpunch_multiplier float False Unknown.
vortex_absorb_effect asset True Shot model shown to the vortex user when a vortex weapon catches this weapon's shot.
vortex_absorb_effect_third_person asset True Shot model shown to others when a vortex weapon catches this weapon's shot.
vortex_absorb_sound string False Sound effect played to the vortex user when a vortex weapon catches this weapon's shot.
vortex_absorb_sound_1p_vs_3p string False Sound effect played to others when a vortex weapon catches this weapon's shot.
vortex_drain float True Fraction of charge taken from vortex weapons that catch a shot from this weapon. If caught by Ion's Vortex, drains a fraction of her energy instead.
vortex_impact_effect asset True The impact effect table referenced for vortex collisions. Vortex collisions refers to standard blocking vortex entities, such as Particle Wall and Gun Shield.
vortex_refire_behavior string False Defines the behavior for this weapon's projectiles when caught/reflected by Vortex shield. absorb: Disappears when caught.
bullet: High speed (12000) and slightly higher than moderate spread.
explosive_round: Moderate speed (8000) and moderate spread.
rocket: Low speed (1800) and low spread.
grenade: Low speed (1500) and high spread with 1.25s fuse time.
grenade_long_fuse: Low speed (1500) and high spread with 10s fuse time.
wave_max_count int False The number of steps wave attacks should take.
wave_step_dist float False The distance each step moves a wave attack forward.
weaponClass string False Determines the type of entity that normally uses the weapon. human: Humanoid entities.
titan: Titans.
other: Anything else (e.g. heavily armored NPCs, turrets)
weaponSubClass string False Unknown. Takes rifle, smg, lmg, sidearm, sniper, projectile_shotgun, rocket, shotgun, or autolock.
weaponType string False Determines the type of offhand the weapon is. (Offhands/melees only) melee: Melee weapon.
shoulder: Offhand pulled from the shoulder used as an offensive ability. (Excluding Energy Siphon)
defense: Held or instant offhand used as a defensive ability.
tactical: Held or instant offhand used as a utility ability. (Excluding Tether Trap)
titan_core: Titan Core weapon.
anti_titan: Turret weapon.
zoom_angle_shift_pitch float True Unknown.
zoom_angle_shift_yaw float True Unknown.
zoom_effects bool True Unknown.
zoom_fov float True The FoV the weapon will zoom to when aiming down sights. Affected by custom player FoV scale. Effectively zooms to ( zoom FoV / base FoV * player FoV scale )
Base FoV is 70 for pilots and 75 for titans.
zoom_fov_viewmodel float True Unknown.
zoom_scope_frac_end float True Unknown.
zoom_scope_frac_start float True Unknown.
zoom_time_in float True The time in seconds to fully zoom in from hipfire.
zoom_time_out float True The time in seconds to fully zoom out from aiming down sights.
zoom_toggle_fov float True The FoV the weapon will zoom to when aiming down sights with a zoom toggle on.
zoom_toggle_lerp_time float True The time in seconds for toggleable zoom to change zoom FoV.
zoomfrac_autoattack float True The fraction of zoom above which the weapon will continually attack