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For your content to reach as many people as possible, it is important to have it translated in users' natural language. This guide will help you do that!

Languages list

Languages natively supported by Titanfall2 are:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Traditional Chinese ("tchinese")

Create translation files

Here's what a translation file looks like:

        "Language" "english"
            "MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" "Launch Northstar"
            "MENU_TITLE_MODS" "Mods"
            "RELOAD_MODS" "Reload Mods"
            "WARNING" "Warning"
            "CORE_MOD_DISABLE_WARNING" "Disabling core mods can break your client!"
            "DISABLE" "Disable"

It begins with the "lang" instruction, contains a "Language" key indicating language of current file's translations, and a "Token" key indexing all translations.


If the translation file contains any non-ASCII character, it must use "UTF-16 LE" encoding.

You'll have to create one file per supported language, and all your files must be named in a similar fashion.

For example, Northstar translation files are named "northstar_client_localisation_english.txt", "northstar_client_localisation_french.txt", "northstar_client_localisation_german.txt" etc.

You can import them from your mod.json manifesto this way:

        "Localisation": [


The "%language%" syntax allows VM to load up translations matching game language (e.g. an English client will automatically use "northstar_client_localisation_english.txt" file)

Use translations in your code

To translate UI elements like menus, you have to insert strings containing your translation keys, preceded by a #.

For example, to translate the "Launch Northstar" button on main menu, instead of calling:

    AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "Launch Northstar" )

We'll use:

    AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" )

You can also use the Localize method client-side:

    Localize( "#MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" )

Northstar translations

Northstar adds new strings to the game which can be localised to match the language you are using on your Titanfall 2 installation.

They're all located in "Northstar.Client" mod: [Northstar localisation files on GitHub] (


To test your modifications, change your game language: with Origin, go to Origin (My games library) -> Titanfall 2 (right click) -> Game Properties -> Advanced Launch Options; with Steam, go to Titanfall 2 page -> Manage (cog) -> Properties -> Language.